Face your darkness
As much as you don’t want to do it
Do it anyway
It is calling you to your own true self
There is an inner knowing
Of the goodness and of the darkness within
Holding onto the darkness causes illness
Sorrow, pain, heartbreak, and suffering

The only way out of the suffering
Is to face it down, command it out
Refuse to settle, name your fears
You are stronger than you can possibly imagine
You are made of the Oneness
Everything that is not going well
Is calling you to your own best self
To a different reality where there is peace
But you have to make the choice
For truth, determination, for love
And wholeness, some of every day
Don’t hide another day
Name the fears, one by one
Be ruthlessly honest with yourself
Do not take “I can’t” for an answer
Work daily to let one fear go after another
And work with Divine Source not against it
Name all that you are unhappy with
Call in the healing you need
Knowing it will come to you in perfect timing
If you are a beginner to this,
Give yourself some slack
Be sure to call in patience for yourself
Because this journey is eternal

Face the root fear of all unspoken fear
That your deepest fears are truly who you are
That if you go deeply you will find more darkness
That you are really profoundly flawed
Better to keep pretending
Because the truth will be awful
You might not be able to swallow it
You might drown while trying
Take a step back, this is truly inaccurate
Your set of fears is humanly created
They are illusions with no lasting heft
Merely thoughts you have given your power to
What awaits you is a new understanding of your magnificence
The unraveling of all fears and conditioning
The replacing of every single negative self perception
With profound grace and love for self and others
The fear you feel is the part of you
Calling for change, rebalancing
Re-centering, courage, and grit
Again and again, the call to your true self is eternal
You are more splendid that you can image
You have more love to give than you can ever grasp
Your life here is to discover the love that is your essence
Unearthing the fears reveal the doorways to lasting love and balance
Thank you Robbins…Beautiful, uplifting, encouraging, motivating, hopeful, helpful. Truly inspiring message…I so appreciate you for explaining the Truth! ♥️
Thank you so much for your comments! I so appreciate your taking the time to let me know this piece was helpful! I am delighted this has served a good purpose. Wonderful to hear from you, Robbins
Dear Jeanne,
Thank you so much for commenting on this post. I am delighted this was helpful and encouraging for you! I feel delighted you are reading my posts and liked this one. Blessings, Robbins
You are made of the Oneness
Everything that is not going well
Is calling you to your own best self
To a different reality where there is peace
This is so powerful! I love it! Thank you Robbins Hopkins for continuing to put out Divine pieces….
Thank you so much for sharing your enthusiasm for this post! Most appreciated. I am thrilled you liked it. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. These comments keep me going. Namaste, Robbins