1. Open Sacred Space
I open this Sacred Healing and Wisdom Circle and invite my I AM Energy to be present. I welcome the Angelic Host, the Ascended Masters, the Cosmic Light Beings of the Universe, the Devas and Nature Intelligences, the Doctors of the Future, and the Divine Healing Entities of the Highest Light from all traditions to partner with me in our shared knowing of the Oneness.
2. Prepare and Listen
I open my heart, mind, body, affairs, relationships and soul to Divine Presence to receive all that is available for me in this healing work today. I clear for the blocked energies of doubt and hesitation to call forth healing; for bias, preference, and attachment to specific desired outcomes; and for un-forgiveness of myself and others. I am listening and know ALL things are possible.
3. Name the Imbalance
My imbalance is [name of imbalance] trauma energy and all symptoms.
4. Command Out and Clear Blocked Energies
I call forth the Sacred Flame (or Divine Source, the Great I AM energy, My Divine Self, Eternal Flame, the Oneness, the Christ energy) within me.
Sacred Flame, clear all blocked emotional, mental, thermal, spiritual, hereditary line, karmic, curse, and spell energies back through all time and space from all lifetimes and originating sources, from all memories and patterns and down to the cells in my body manifesting as [name of imbalance] trauma energy and all symptoms.
Consume all blocked energies at the conscious, subconscious, unconscious, and supra-conscious levels contributing in any way to [name of imbalance] trauma energy and all symptoms.
5. Maximize the Healing
I call forth the appropriate Divine Healing Entities and the Angels to bring all needed Divine vibrational intervention healing at the physical level due to [name of imbalance] trauma energy and all symptoms at the highest possible rate of healing. I call forth Divine Stellar healing and Divine Surgery as needed .I am totally worthy of healing (or another affirmation).
6. Close the Sacred Space
With Divine partnership, we send these healing energies around the globe, to all those who can receive them this day.
I offer my deep appreciation to all Divine Beings carrying healing vibrations throughout this dimension to those who can receive them today. I give my profound thanks to the Sacred Healing and Wisdom Circle partners for their support and healing wisdom. I am so deeply blessed. My thanks. All this healing is manifesting in Divine Order. And So It is. Amen.
© Robbins S. Hopkins 2016
Note: The italicized sections are intended to be spoken aloud.
Chapter 7 of my book contains a comprehensive series of questions and answers that will give you a deeper understanding of the Protocol and how to adapt it to make it your own. Here is an example of a frequently asked question and my answer:
Why is it important to open sacred space first?
This healing protocol and all processes working with spiritual healing need to be conducted in Sacred Space. Without reservation, we are more effective working in partnership with Divine Beings of Highest Light in Sacred Space than working alone. When you ensure that you are working with Divine Beings of Highest Light everything happening in that space is in Right Relationship with All That Is/Divine Source/God.
There are all types of spirits along our airways. When individuals pass from human form, sometimes they do not leave this dimension but remain here in an energetic form. Most of us cannot see these beings. When you consciously work in Sacred Space, you know without a doubt that only the highest, most effective Divine Beings for your specific work will join with you to ensure the highest benevolent outcome manifests for the healing you are calling forth.