It seemed like a smallish sort of lie
I did not mean for it to come out as it did
I spun a yarn while playing with fire
I spoke it aloud and now it resides between us
I feel a persistent heaviness in my heart
There is a tightness when I breath
This could grow, fester, and becoming putrid
And still I hesitate to set things to rest

My pride is raising its ugly head today
I despair at having to put this right
I am hoping this will all go far away
But it might hang on and be discovered
In truth, I really told a bold-faced lie
I think of it as small so I don’t feel so low
But I lied to her pure and simple
Because it suited me to do so
I protect a well defended outside shell
Thinking that makes me safe
Then I go and tell these little lies
And I know things aren’t any good at all
I don’t want to do what I know I should
I need to tell her I lied and why
But I am ashamed and feel too crummy
To really come clean and show my face
What would my friends think?
Who could possibly understand?
I don’t even know why I made up that lie
And then acted as if it were true
Maybe tomorrow this will all feel better
Maybe tomorrow we will forget this happened
Maybe I will think of some way to save face
Maybe I will find a way to bury the past
Perhaps she could forgive me
Or perhaps I could forgive me too
Perhaps I can make amends
Or perhaps we could move past this
Where is my good place?
Why can’t I let this all go?
Why can’t I just forget this ever happened?
Who is ever really going to know?
Integrity Clearing
If this rings any bells for you, you can do effective clearing for any lapse in integrity you hold at present or from the past. When you are out of integrity with yourself and others, not only can you suffer emotionally but you become disconnected on your end from the Whole, from Divine Source. Further, you may be totally unaware of places where you are carrying blocked energy that is affecting you in countless ways. You can carry old unconscious blocked energy about lying, stealing, blaming, or resenting, for example, and it can be causing you anxiety, insomnia, rage, or poor health in general as well as many other conditions. You may not be hearing clear guidance, or making poor decisions, or carrying guilt, rage, or depression, as well. Clearing up issues of integrity is worth focusing on.
Here are some of the areas where you may be carrying unhealed energy that is affecting your integrity. The following trauma energies may be causing untold imbalances in you mind, body or soul.
Trauma energies affecting one’s integrity:
Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Misrepresenting, Bullying, Blaming, Resenting, Stalking, Selling body services/mis-using my body, Buying body services/ Mis-using another’s body, Hurting another, Un-forgiveness, Hating, Punishing, Using excessive force, Abusing (others or substances), add any others you may be want to address.
Examples for Step 3 are given in bold below. For those beginning to work with the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol use all six step in the link indicated. This version shared below is for for more advanced practitioners who have experience with using all the steps of the protocol for many months.
I call for Divine Healing Protocol for consciously punishing my brother trauma energy and all symptoms.
I call for Divine Healing Protocol for cheating and lying with my first wife ( partner, husband, etc.) trauma energy and all symptoms.
I call for Divine Healing Protocol for resenting the interference of my mother-in-law trauma energy and all symptoms when we had small children.
I call for Divine Healing Protocol for holding of un-forgiveness with my son trauma energy and all symptoms.
Keep working on areas where there may be blocked energies affecting your integrity. When you are cleared of these types of blocked energy, they will no longer show up in your life for healing.