Grace is a type of unconditional love. It carries shades of appreciation, kindness, balance, and ease in its vibration. The word Grace is often used in connection with religious individuals or God but it is a quality of being that can be developed by all persons as one develops positive self-love and self-regard. When enough positive self love is attained, Grace literally overflows to all those in one’s vicinity.

Grace can generally be thought of as unmerited or unconditional love. When one hears of God’s Grace for humans, this refers to unconditional love which is always there for us even though nothing in return is expected or required to receive this Grace. We as humans also have the capacity to develop Grace towards others. We are made in the likeness and image of God/Divine Source/The Oneness/All That Is. Therefore, we can manifest Grace as we develop love and compassion for ourselves.
Why would you endeavor to manifest Grace? Grace is a loving reflection of one’s love within. Living with Grace means that all those coming in contact with you have the experience of being heard, honored, appreciated and valued. These ways of interacting with others spread the power of love for transformation of all that detracts from peace and balance. There are so many human experiences which come from fear and doubt that a conscious intention to develop Grace is an antidote to the harshness of life’s daily trials. Practicing Grace is also self rewarding in that it has the power to transform your remaining unhealed imbalances within yourself as well. It is worth considering as a quiet ministry among others.
Grace is present when you give others credit for their contribution to a product or creation.
Grace is present when you apologize for being misunderstood by another.
Grace is present when you make a conscious decision to forgive another without making an outward display of this intention.
Grace is present when you take a back seat and let others shine.
Grace is present when you continue to love regardless of another’s bad behavior.
Grace is present when you do a good turn without expecting thanks or recognition.
Grace is present when you put other’s needs ahead of yours while still attending to your own well being.
Further, the art of graceful living can also impact your own sense of self-love and self-care. The more love you create and share through Grace, the more you are able to expand Grace within yourself as well. Cultivating Grace love begets more love for you and all those you come in contact with.

Getting to Grace requires some practice. First and foremost, loving yourself is needed in order to love others. So, clearing all blocked energies where you criticize, berate, negatively judge, or hate yourself is a big first step. Keep at this daily. Whenever you begin to denigrate yourself in any way, stop, command this energy out of your field and try again. Use The Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol to accomplish this.
At the same time, practice holding unconditional love for others in thought, word, and deed. When you focus on growing more of these feelings, they will begin to expand in and of themselves. Where you know you are not holding unconditional love for another, stop, command your negative energies regarding another person out of your field. This is the road to unconditional love or the manifestation of Grace within.
Finally, call forth Grace from Divine Source. This call will not be missed. If you want to cultivate Grace in your life, call it forth from within yourself and from Divine Source to manifest in abundance so that you can cultivate Grace in every part of your life. It is a worthy endeavor.
Beautiful reminder. I especially like the part of this that reminds us to put our wellbeing as a priority too. Especially women!
when you put other’s needs ahead of yours while still attending to your own well being.
A timely reminder! Well done putting into words that which is beyond words… It helps, really helps, when tangible explanation of divine qualities is articulated.
Personally, this has reminded me to invoke light when the lower vibration thought patterns pop up into my mind and also I receive the message to ask, ask, ask.
Thank-you for this timely and useful reminder.