Infinite Source means just that, the Source of All That Is has no boundaries, limits or perimeters. It is vast possibility without any limitation. This is a challenging concept to grasp, and even harder to actualize in our lives. Both are possible though and embracing Infinite Source is life changing.

Infinite Source means there is no shortage of supply, love, wealth, humor, creativity, food, health, peace, balance, etc. Infinite Source is one of the immutable Laws of Creation. Yet, we experience all sorts of limitations on Earth and in our lives at the present time. This earth dimension we live in, does not generally recognize Infinite Source in our daily lives. It is seen as a theoretical possibility for the most part which we generally do not know how to activate. So for practical purposes, it does not exist.
I would like to challenge this view and suggest that we need to pick up all our threads of creativity and imagination and launch ourselves and our lives into the energy of Infinite Source to more effortlessly and effectively help us with what we have come to do in this lifetime. We create the stifling limits within which we live, operate, breath and create. We, with our own minds, think as humans think, with boundaries, issues, concerns, problems, limitations, conditions, improbabilities and nay saying.

What if there really are no actual boundaries except the ones we are giving our power to in this lifetime? Perhaps we have all bought into accepted conventions and agreed to standard deviations for conditions, improbabilities and nay-saying? Maybe there is a field out there where you and I will meet and none of this will actually matter. Let’s say we could really live in full acceptance of Infinite Source even in one area of our lives. Might it be worth giving it a try?
Repeatedly throughout my years of spiritual seeking, the one thing that comes to me over and over again is that I think too small, envision with limitations, doubt the vastness of the Whole and generally look upon the Divine with human eyes and thoughts. Of course, I am human! However, I don’t think that my humanness is the authority by which I live and create. My “I AM” energy is the authority by which I live and create. My Oneness with All That Is is the authority by which I harness goodness and create with love. In contrast, my humanness is often the wagging finger energy standing at the doorway of my mind saying, “un-uh, you can’t do that, that is not possible, that is dreamy eyed thinking, that is absurd, just fool’s folly”. For years and years, I listened to what was not possible, not probable and gave that energy a great deal of power.
Those years were generously filled with physical pain and suffering on my part. Of course, I was giving my energy and power to many things that I thought I was going to have to do which I would not like, would be bad at doing or better yet would probably fail at. UGH!! I was immediately caught up short when I realized one day that I had really, really had chronic back pain for 16 years. I was totally surprised at this on one level because I secretly thought of myself as a jock. Well, I was, in one part of my brain. I had commuted to work with my bike, I had played tennis and taught Jazzercise, taken yoga and loved to swim. I had walked regularly and weight lifted whenever my body allowed. It seemed very weird that somehow I had become a handicapped person with this chronic pain. The insurance companies would concur with this accessment given all the doctors I was seeing.
For a while this realization of these years of pain, made me seriously angry with my body. I was also furious with everyone that pain was my constant companion. I eventually became outwardly angry and negative until that wore both me and my family out. I then became quiet in my suffering ( for a very short while) and eventually I had the thought, perhaps I could be pain free. This was the first time in 16 years that I had had that thought. It was just a glimmer of hope but it fueled a huge change within me.
This has been my very own, self-created, experience at limiting my life, my health, my options. I really did buy into the fact that I would probably be in pain my entire life. However, I became more and more determined to seek another reality for me. I was completely fatigued and impatient with doctors, body workers, therapists of all sorts. One therapist told me I was psychologically ill and the pain was all imagined. Another said I was one of the sanest persons she had had the privilege to meet. I thought then and there, I think I’ll believe the last one. It feels better. And thus, I began looking for that elusive Infinite Source. I did not know that was what IT was called then but I do now. I now know that my thoughts become my reality. I can choose to create conditions, boundaries, prerequisites, or limitations or not. The choice is mine.
Usually when I am angry, frustrated, impatient or snippy, I am giving my power to limitations, conditions and fears which are working me in negative ways. When I am peaceful, happy, loving and understanding, I am going with the flow. Infinite Source is a huge vastness of possibility and there are absolutely no bounds on that Source except the ones we create.
When I finally got that I might be able to live in greater health with pain free energy, I began to see all sorts of new help around me that had always been there. I had just not seen it. The limitations which I had made my reality, literally blocked the channels of Infinite Source around me. I began to change what I thought was true, who I spent time with, what I spent time doing and how I characterized myself to myself, and to others. I tried out aspects of Infinite Source such as “if I don’t give it a try, who will?” and “when will it be a good enough time to do something I love?” and “who is your authority here anyway?” and finally, “girl, figure out what you love and do it!”. And slowly I did. I have now been pain free with the exception of normal bumps and bruises for so many years that I know I will continue pain free, the remainder of my life.
Take a leap of faith and truly imagine what has seemed impossible for you.
Call forth Divine Assistance and go for it.
Counter the nay- sayers within and without with calm resolve.
Honor your path as part of the learning process that leads to our own true selves, pain included.
Proclaim Infinite Source and give your power to those possibilities, without bounds, in all situations.
Try giving your power to imagining and working with Infinite Source. You will truly experience that Infinite Source is seriously real. The only boundaries and limitations we have are the ones we accept and create for ourselves.
Thanks Robbins… as usual, it was just what the “Doctor” ordered.
Great to hear there was a connection for you! Thanks for the comment.