When I am mired in the minutia of life, I sometimes lose myself
I wonder why the grind keeps calling me to attention
I get into production, creating, and reaction flows
That I know so very well, I forget to drink my favorite tea

I forget to water my beloved plants
I stop looking up to the cerulean blueness of our planet
I forget to eat and stay seated far too long
I stop deep breathing and stretching
When I emerge, I feel both delighted and stunned
Hours have passed and I have dutifully accomplished my goals
But my sense of peace has been neglected, set aside
And I wish again that I knew how to both produce and stay connected
I long to live this life with bountiful ease and grace
But sometimes determination to produce is a delight
I love the ability to concentrate with all my being
With my heart and my mind and my energy
I would also like to remember to take a break
Smell the roses and think about my blessings
Take the time to be at peace in the production mode
To be both productive and lovingly attentive
I do owe this to myself
So perhaps this is about loving self
In a happy, renewing way
Remembering to be my best keeper
Perhaps I am a bit afraid that
In taking a break or a deep breath
I will not have the commitment
To return to the production grind
Perhaps these habits are really about fear
Fear that I won’t accomplish what I want to
That I can only focus on one thing at a time
That if I deviate from my goals, I will fail
There always seems to be other areas of growth
Calling to me to attend, to realize, to take note
Nudging me towards more love for self and others
Keeping me moving forward using the fullness of me
So, I commit to more little love breaks
More time to reconnect with the blessings I have
More time to trust that all is well, even if I take time to breath
Even if I stop, make my favorite tea, and drink it up completely!