When darkness descends, my good feelings get ambushed
They cannot rise, flow, and swirl around me
There is no light energy to cajole me out of my slump
The fear of being depressed doubles the actual energy enveloping me
Pain, sorrow, loss, fear, shame, black energy and utter overwhelm
Swallows up all motivation, stamina, and endurance I would so love to feel
Choices abound but they come with major side effects
Often leading to more draining energies and self-dejection
More fear of being yet again emotionally handicapped
The drugs cover over the depression and do not heal
The endless therapy sessions go mostly nowhere
The road seems void of good, powerful, and lasting solutions
The fear of being overtaken looms around every action
The reality of not being able to get out of bed
Becomes the relentless tug of war to keep pretending I can cope
I ache for a solution that really works
How many more years of dismal, restricting energy
Can a body take? Who is listening out there, anyway?
I so yearn for lightness, laughter, heart warming abandon
I have tried everything I can possibly find
To help me come into lasting emotional balance
There is one who says I can clear for all the blocked energy
Showing up as depression and all the specific symptoms I have
As I fear dipping again into weeks of darkness and loss
She says healing is possible when we work with Divine Source
She says it is my birthright to clear all darkness from my field
She says I could be normal, depression free, and happy again
Should I try yet again to become free from depression?
There is so much of my self wrapped up with depression
I am a total pessimist in one part of me about my chances
But I so want to soar without this albatross about my neck
Who is saying I have to live this way
Things change, I change, I may find a way forward
I may give her stuff a try, even though I am still afraid to really hope
She calls it depression trauma energy and all symptoms
She says I can totally call for the healing myself
She says she can help me find a healing pathway
When this crippling darkness passes this time
I hope I will reach out and seek this healing way
I hope I can find my way to a place someday where I can
Give back to others because I have become whole again
If you are dealing with depression or any other chronic condition, use these resources. They can help you heal yourself even if you have tried everything! Take this free simple tutorial as step 1 to get you started in naming what needs to heal. For step 2, use the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol as a basic first level clearing with your specific imbalance. Begin step three as you move to deeper chronic root imbalances affecting your specific imbalance. Complete step four and you will have cleared many stuck types of energy at very deep levels regarding the specific imbalance. Then the balance you seek is possible! Give yourself 10 days and if you still have symptoms repeat steps 2,3, and 4. Sometimes repeated healing is needed when you are dealing with chronic issues.
For more information, get The Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol book on Amazon.