Walking by the ocean fills me up
I feel the lightness as the breeze arrives
I touch to the expanse and my worries dissipate
This is my happy place calling me to myself

I love the sound of the endless waves
I like their reassurance of permanence
I love the blueness and the softness of the sand
I know I am called inward as I walk the strand
I have lived near the ocean all my life
I can’t even imagine living far inland
I need the big water near me even
If I don’t get there as often as I would like
Knowing I can be there in a couple of hours
Is something like knowing I can always enter Silence
And a palpable calmness can be touched to
Silence and the ocean are similar in many ways
They are both filled with the unknown
They are both waiting for me always
One in a soothing form I can touch
One in soothing formlessness that touches me

I am so amazed when I enter into Silence
And a vibration around my heart begins to pulse
It is like nothing on Earth really
It is coming from beyond me, welcoming
The beckoning of kindness
The reassurance of safety
The joining of me wherever my mind is
The total sense of reliability
Both Silence and the ocean have these gifts
They settle me and remind me I am loved
They bring me right into the present moment
Inviting me to let both the past and future go
I am never so connected as when the ocean and I are one
I never feel so loved as when Silence and I have a rendezvous
I return to all life’s challenges with a quiet demeanor
One that carries both the ocean and the Silence within