There is a patter in my heart that I know as living
It is a steady beat that offers a familiar, safe background
To all that is going on that is not steady and acceptable
To all the fear, loss, pain and suffering of invading dangers

This same reliability resides in the cheery morning song birds
In the ocean’s continuous ebbs and flows, dependable to the minute
The grains of wet packed sand feel solid even while ever shifting
I need to be reminded of the reliable grace of nature
In these times of required isolation, nature holds the promise of life
Returning to normal, as the flowering of nature spectacularly arrives
Even though the flowers are temporarily present by design
They form an orchestrated coming alive as if being conducted

Every awakening shrub, flower and tree is here to support me
In my sustained hibernation and isolation from others
The magnificence of every living thing is bursting around me
Holding the space for freedom of movement to manifest again
I would love to have enough profound love be able to envelop us
In ways that would fully protect us from viruses running rampant
From bodies succumbing to the ravages of fever and infection
From our own deep darknesses feeding the exploding virus
Alas, the work is within, within our fear, our discomfort, our doubt
It is within the depression that comes from worry, black thoughts
The work is seeking inner peace, joy, kindness, and above all balance
Requiring infinitesimal adjustments minute by minute
Then I remember to get outside to the living, vibrating nature
To breath deeply this day, to honor this day and this body
To hold the space for all that is swirling with danger to settle
For the Oneness to help, as we millions call back balance and grace