The new day dawns with shimmering light
All the past can be set down
No matter the darkness or sense of hopelessness
Today holds infinite possibilities

The shining warmth of the sun
Calls you to your best loving self
You can listen or you can ignore this
You can clear the past or wallow in it
You have infinite choices though at times
You are unable to make a new choice
Because you have not finished
The past choices you are living with
Who among you can be in the present moment
Without having blessed the past
Clearly decided to move on
And called in the love you need to be present
There is vast and ever expanding love
Within and all around you, daily
You are absolutely able to call this to yourself
But you may need practice in doing this
You may need to take a walk
You may need Silence
You may need to reach out to another
You may need to be kind to yourself
Cultivating love is a practice
It takes some experimenting
To know what you need to grow love
What your heart needs to be love
So try giving your past worries and trauma
To the Light of the new day
And call in Love to replace the darkness
Hope to replace the woe and heaviness

A new day awaits you every 24 hours
The possibility of refreshing love and kindness
The opportunity to make a new start
The determination to be the love you seek
You are never alone even if you can not see the support
You can always be connected to the Wholeness
It is a matter of choosing love, kindness, and forgiveness
These acts set us free from the past to be present now
In the present moment, the past is gone
You are the one to set the past down
You are the one to take a different direction
You are the one to live in love and possibility
Be your best self today
No matter what you encounter
Hold the space for kindness
Love is just waiting to be activated
Banish any unloving act, word, or deed
Strike unloving energy from your daily routine
You are already love embodied
You simply have to embrace this and actualize the love you are
Become better acquainted with you as love
You were conceived in the loving image of Divine Source
Practice love over and over again, with the dawning of each new day
You are loved beyond anything you can ever imagine, for all eternity