As we learn about ourselves as spiritual beings having a human experience, new perceptions of ourselves emerge. Here are some discoveries which have been helpful to me in my spiritual and human journey. Being both spiritual and human beings takes some attention and some sorting out regarding what our spiritual beings are capable of and how to live with this unseen potential we all possess.
Our energy field extends way beyond our physical bodies. We intuitively sense this. Have you ever been in a room with people and feel a compulsion towards some and an attraction towards others? This is energy connecting and repelling and this goes on all the time. In general though, we forget about such feelings or diminish their importance because we think of our physical bodies as our full selves.
As human beings, we mostly have very limited views of our energy’s scope and breadth. The more consciously aware we are of our connection with All That Is, the greater our energy extends beyond our bodies. The more time in Stillness and Silence, the more sense we have of our expansive selves. Some beings in body are even extending beyond this earthly dimension in their commitments to help bring Balance and Peace to others.
Some beings here have already ascended into the Light and they have chosen to consciously return to this dimension to be in service with others. In Sanscrit, these beings are known as the bodhisattva. This does not mean however that they do not have to move through the same stages of expanding consciousness again, while in body. Their process though may be easier, quicker and more dramatic as they have already taken those steps in other incarnations. This concept is found in the Buddhism.
The bodhisattva among us are those who can teach us of the namaste. Namaste is a state of being which in part refers to the Light of a spiritually aware person readily recognizing the light in another, thereby helping all humanity to remember our connection with All That Is. The words to one song about this are ” The Light in me beholds the Light in you”. This sums up namaste rather succinctly.
Fear, negativity, darkness and anger is created through our human selves and therefore can be released through our human desire to be free of these thoughts and feelings. Kindness, love, gratitude and appreciation is created through our connected spiritual selves which is eternally One With All That Is. Love is the only lasting energy of the Universe. All other energies we are passing through on the way to remembering our own true selves as spirit beings of the Light.
Religious practices and paths have some accurate takes on Divine Presence and some inaccurate takes on Divine Presence as well. Only a spiritually seeking person can discern between that which is of the Light and that which is not of the Light. This is our gift and responsibility. Discernment requires Silence and Stillness in rather large amounts so that we can hear our own still small voice of All That Is amidst the noise of our human existence.
We are eternally connect to All That Is, though we have to seek ways to discover this every time we are in body. Further, there is no requirement that we must discover this connection while in body. We can choose to live our lives in any way we want to. All our choices however have consequences. If we create and nurture imbalance, imbalance will manifest in our bodies and our lives. If we create and nurture balance, balance will manifest in our bodies and our lives.
There are wide ranging terms for Divine Presence, including God, The Great I AM, All That Is, Divine Oneness, Great Creator, Yahweh, Allah, Elohim, Allaha, The Almighty, Lord, The Holy Spirit, etc. Further, Divine Presence is available to us in a myriad of energy forms including Angels, Archangels, Angelic Host, Ascended Masters, Divine Cosmic Light Beings, Nature Intelligences, Divine Ancestors and Divine Physicians, to name a few. This Energy is available to all beings as we become increasingly conscious of these differentiated forms of Divine Presence.
All humans are eternally connected to All That Is even if we do not know this and even if we choose anger, violence or abuse in our human lives. We can never be separated from the Love of All That Is. However our human choices for imbalance in our lives can feel like we are separated from Divine Love, because when we can’t see that spark of Divinity within ourselves, so we have no way to know of the Divine Love that is all around us and within us. This Divine Presence can become invisible to us if we choose imbalance as a way of living.
Choose Love. Choose to believe in the goodness and power of Light within yourself. Choose to see the the wholeness that you are and forgive the imbalance, the lapse in love actions and the judgements along the way. Choose the path of Joy, Delight, Balance and Creativity for then you are as close to Divine Energy as is possible in our human dimension. Gift yourself with Stillness and Silence for there is a world of loving wholeness awaiting you every time you step into your spirit energy.