Where is my strength and stamina?
Where do I find my way back to normalcy?
I feel lost and depleted in these endless dark days
Where death, hatred, and violence dwell side by side

I could never have imagined such loss and sorrow
I could never have written this script we are living
What does it all mean, really?
Have we uncovered the hornet’s nest and it is life?
I remember days of laughter and exploration
I long for a dinner in a lovely restaurant
Celebrating anything really, celebrating goodness
Celebrating joy, life, free time, and loved ones
I find that I am bereft, without hugs, without seeing smiles
I go about my days wondering if we will ever emerge
From the scourge of the virus, deaths, and denials
If we will ever find our way back to wholeness for all

We are so into darkness that the Light seems dimmed
The hatred among us keeps erupting into violence
The desire for dominion over all looms as a boon
Then transforms into gnarled, twisted anger and rage
I fall on my knees and deeply seek Divine deliverance
We have gone beyond the ability to heal ourselves individually
We profoundly need Divine Presence among us, now
We need clear lights, clear minds and loving hearts

We need solace, kindness and the strength to hope
We call for a way out of the viciousness and corruption of power
We call forth a new path for every person who has ears to hear
We call for the past to heal deeply enough for the bulbs to bloom again