There is something wild and expansive about my God
Together, we touch this human form of me
When I feel alone, it is hard to see the me in God
The Eternal connection keeps reassuring

I so need to feel that thrilling pulsing vibration
The one that tells me I am not alone
The one that calls to me softly and physically
Through my heart and skin and bones
At first I thought I was simply lightheaded
However, those feelings kept repeating
Until I understood that the vibration
Was my conscious awareness of Divine Energy with me
There is a magnificent thrill with that vibration
The delight of being quietly in bed and receiving
The ability and wonder of calling the Presence to me
My heart being swirled with that love
The lightness within has a gentling effect on me
Now the loving feelings come when I call
The self-critic and the fear had to go
They were not good company for us
For when I tried to open to Spirit
In a space of judgement and worry
I could not feel a real connection
I made the best of it I could
Now when looking back
I was just play acting
Holding a Sacred Soul Space for Spirit
Even before I was ready to meet
We have a wonderful quiet space now
Where I can go night or day
We know we are connected to each other
Even though we are still finding our way.