When you clear away blocked energy, you expand your sense of peace and balance. If you do not do this, it is likely that your blocked energy will continue to expand and contribute to imbalances of heart, body, mind, and soul.
Blocked energy is anything causing imbalance for you. Resentment, fear, rage, grief, depression, pain or judgement are good places to start.
To effectively clear away blocked energy, you need to open Sacred Space and work in partnership with Divine Source energy. This means essentially you work in Silence first, listening and getting ready to call for clearing. Then you call in the clearing you need.
There is no map to doing this inner work. Each of you creates the steps you decide to take. You are in charge of what you live with and what you set down.
Strong negative emotions do not bring you peace and balance. They point to were the imbalances are and where the work is needed to set those down. They point the potential way to peace. However, you have to take the steps to clear the stuck energy that is causing strong negative feeling and thoughts.
You can set down anything you decide to set down in Sacred Space because you will get the vibrational help you need to do so. Perhaps you have hoped or tried in the past to set down sorrow, anger, disappointment, feeling unappreciated, etc. When you work in partnership with Divine energy, your chances of being successful soar.
If you do not believe there is Divine energy, start here. Clear that blocked belief so that the Divine energy becomes accessible to you. Every person is already wired for Divine connection because that is where you come from. Yet, your free will means you can remain as disconnected or as connected as you want to be to Divine Source energy for as many lifetimes as you so choose.
No one else can take this spiritual journey for you. The Divine Beings around you always support your journey but the desire to try to connect is always yours. Fear, disillusionment, anger, blame, abuse, unfairness, poverty, jealousy are all reasons you may not choose to open to Divine Source. However, Divine Source energy is beyond all human imbalances and darkness. You can not get to this energy through your mind. You have to use your heart and take the risk to connect.
Human beings activate Divine energy, love, forgiveness, kindness, acceptance, concern for the greater whole, etc. in this dimension. You are the ones to manifest this powerful force for Love or not. God is not the director making everything happen. God energy is inviting you to act from a place of Love and Balance. You have to avail yourself of Divine energy.
Your free will extends literally to anything you think you want and are actively pursuing. There are consequences to your actions but you can try anything you are determined to do. Everyone makes mistakes on this journey. That is how you learn.
The journey to balance, peace and success begins with one area of darkness you want to set down. Begin there and move on. Do not bury the tough issues or the negative feelings. Those are the starting points to developing peace within and without. There is guidance waiting to help you but the journey begins with your determination to set down that which is not serving you.
This Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol is a place to start.
This free, short Healing Yourself Tutorial is another place to start. (I narrate it.)
This is part 1 protocol healing steps if you are dealing with Chronic Issues.
This is part 2 protocol healing steps if you are dealing with Chronic Issues.
For more in-depth background, see my book.
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