A voice emerged amidst the dreams:
You are a human being in training
You are a chip off the ‘ole block
You are eternal having a human experience
You are human created from Divine Source
You have total free will
You are blessed with infinite possibilities
You are loved beyond all understanding
You get eternal replays with every life
You get all the chances you need
To make good, loving, and balanced decisions
Even when you mess up repeatedly
Unconditional love is always yours
You remain unaware of your true value
You fear, you judge, you push, you doubt
Creating profound unworthiness
That does not belong to you
You belittle, chastise, think poorly of yourself
For all kinds of unhealed reasons that
Put you out of sorts, again and again
And keep you from feeling joyful
You have a creative and powerful mind
You have consciousness and free reign
Yet the unhealed detritus of your life looms
Ever waiting for you to name, face, and heal
Love is what you must cultivate
Continuous love of self and all others
Love of every challenge that helps you grow
Love of all mistakes you make along the way
You come into life to learn more about
The love and wholeness that is truly you
You come to retrain your mind for compassion
You have endless repeating lives to make amends
You are continuously invited to get with your inner self
You feel there is not enough time to look within
You succumb to the seduction of your life
You are lured into distractions, away from needed inner work
One day there will be something you can not ignore
You will be off and running on the road to Oneness
Passionately seeking as never before
Full heartedly focused on your journey to wholeness
The choice is yours, ad infinitum
You can return as many times as you want
To a life where your unhealed energies still await
One day, you will pick one up and take it to completion
And then deep sleep was restored.