When I learned to pray years ago as a teen, I just asked generally what I needed and that was it. Why does your process need specific identification? In other words, do I really need to figure out the specific wording? Isn’t this already known by Divine Source anyway?
This type of spiritual healing is brought about through your Partnering with Divine Beings of all types. So, in calling for healing for yourself or others you have to be clear on exactly what you are asking for. This all goes back to having Free Will. You have both your body and life as a human and you have a soul presence that is eternal. In that regard, you are both human and Divine. No being can impose a specific healing on you or fill in the blanks when you are not specific enough about what healing is needed.
You can generally call for the right solution to a problem to manifest and perhaps it will. However, the right solution for you may not be fully known by Divine Beings as you have Free Will and therefore you need to be a full part of that solution. So, you might say, “the right solution will have the following characteristics” and then list those. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to receive the exact healing needed.
When you ask for general healing, you have a greatly reduced chance of succeeding with that call than when you say, “I call forth healing for recurring migraine headaches and all trauma energies surrounding those”. Even more specifically, when using the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol, a range of potentially blocked energies is included that could be affecting one’s migraine headaches. This gives permission for the Divine Healing Entities working with you to address fundamental blocked energies that have contributed to the headaches, for example. Further, in the protocol, you are also calling for healing at all levels of your being, not only at the conscious level. You can be seriously affected by blocked energies at the sub-conscious, unconscious and supra-conscious level until those are completely cleared from your field.
(For more information see Chapter 7: Name the Imbalance and Command Out and Clear Blocked Energies in The Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol)