Is there ever a time when you don’t have to repeat all the wording for the healing given in the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol? It takes a long time to cover all those areas. I am learning more about this healing each time I use the protocol but was wondering if there is a shortcut that works as well?
Yes in some situations, there is a short cut available. After over 25 years of working with each newly revealed section of the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol given in Silence, I was given a shortcut to use. However, this shortcut was given after my book was written. The shortcut works for me and for those who are extremely familiar with each step of the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol. If you are new to the protocol, meaning having used it less that two years, or use it intermittently, continue with all the parts of it until you essentially know it by heart to call healing forth. You will really understand all the parts of what you are calling forth and their necessity for full healing. This knowing is essential to effective healing.
The individual steps for the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol were given a little at the time through Divine Sources working with me. After healing with a client occurred using additional steps, those words were added to the protocol. Each part of the protocol is essential to healing. However, that does not mean that, for example, opening Sacred Space needs to be done exactly as indicated in my book. There are many ways of opening this Sacred Space effectively. I know however that the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol way of opening Sacred Space is effective after working with many thousands of humans. When you feel confident that another way to open that Space is equally effective, go for it. I do not advise though that people leave out whole parts of the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol and expect full healing results.
When we call for Ascended Masters to partner with us, this is open to all those Masters who are needed for the specific healing about to take place. You might feel more comfortable with naming Mother Mary or Buddha as your specific Ascended Master. However, who knows which Master is most needed for individual healing? Most of us think that the Divine Beings know everything. This is not fully accurate. All Beings eternally continue their journeys to wholeness. Therefore, using larger groups of Divine Beings such as the the collective term Ascended Masters, leaves the situation open for specific Masters who are needed for the work you are doing. Calling for whole sets of Divine Beings such as Cosmic Light Beings or Divine Healing Entities leaves the knowing to Divine Source to determine who needs to be present.
For those who are very familiar with the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol, having worked regularly with it for at least two years and know it essentially by heart, there has been a set of terms given encompassing all the parts of the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol. It is called the Divine Healing Protocol. It is like a lever to call forth all the separate parts of the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol for maximum healing.
The Divine Healing Protocol is a short cut in words only for the full Six-Step Healing Protocol. It covers clearing for all blocked energies, at all levels of consciousness, from all lifetimes, including any needed Divine vibrational intervention with continuous healing until the named trauma energy and all symptoms and manifestations are completely in Right Relationship with All That Is. However, the words “Divine Healing Protocol” themselves have no power to heal in and of themselves. You need to fully know what is being called forth yourself for healing to occur. Your competence and confidence in using this form of the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol is what imbues the words with their power. The ability to use the Divine Healing Protocol effectively comes with repeated practice.
Use each step of Six-Step Healing Protocol, unless you are already fully confident with each step. This insures success. For those fully competent with the Six-Step Healing Protocol, the words “Divine Healing Protocol” can be used effectively when doing spiritual healing.