everyone is already wired for Divine connection
the fact that you are in body means you are connected
you can ask and receive help where needed
if your request is in alignment with God’s will
calling for another’s downfall is not God’s will
calling for damage, revenge, attack, or payback
is not God’s will
calling for punishment for another’s actions
is not God’s will
calling for a person to heal may or may not be God’s will
if you do not get what you want
that does not mean you have not been heard
it means what you have called for is not God’s will
does that mean that your call was useless?
no, the calling forth is a beginning dialogue with God
the answer is not the point really
your call is the expression of your compassion
using your compassion grows love energy
whether or not the specific outcome is received
your compassion for others grows when used
more love begets more love

persistence in loving others is rewarded
with more contact and guidance from Divine Source
in how to effectively proceed
in how to successfully bring forth the healing you envision
begin anywhere in your dialogue with the Oneness
keep calling in love, healing, kindness, success,
support, clarity, clearing, and grace
for others and you will get better at this!
be the love you want to see
be a force for healing, love, and grace
use your compassion to grow into your fullness
all else will come, all else will manifest