My dearest Beloved and I walk a while together, such peace
We speak of nothing, we appreciate the lush greenness
My lungs expand to fill with cool air
I sense the Peace filling my body and optimism returning
Easy vibrations fill me up, so totally supportive and delicious
Yet I sigh with knowing I must return
My earthly existence beckons me back, the wonder and the grind both
Deeply within, I long to escape the issues facing me
I long to reside with my Beloved Divine all the time
I sense the deep desire to commune with All That Is
I would rather not plow through every challenge facing me
I would rather be still and unfurl into my Wholeness
Old familiar fears and doubt cast me into worried futures and unresolved pasts
I do have the choice to remain in the present, though it fades in and out
My mind sings a song of mistrust and anxiety
My heart so valiantly tries to play a different tune
My mind holds me hostage along with every fear I have ever imagined
My heart must lead though, it is here the Peace is and the struggle calms
Once again, as I actually stay in the present, I do not miss my Beloved
I remember I can be happy in the present moment
Nothing need call to me in this moment but that which is right before me
Unless I move into regret or give voice to anticipation, I am safe
I can ride the present wave and create all that is needed
Loving wholeness moving moment to moment, suspended in the Now