This is true for all beings. Spiritual healing can transform the misperceptions you carry and the blocked energies that affect your life. When you feel unworthy of being loved or lost regarding next steps in your life, spiritual healing can help you. Spiritual healing works on how you feel about yourself and others, from the inside out. Therefore looking inside, listening, being in Silence, brings these issues to your awareness. Spiritual healing encourages you to connect with the Divine Source within and around you for clarity, support, guidance, and for the healing of stuck energy. If you command out specific blocked energies that are causing specific problems, you will see positive changes.

Spiritual healing differs from other forms of healing in that the work is always carried out in a consciously sacred environment, one you can set up to suit yourself. Therefore, when you call in Divine Source/God/The Great I AM, you will be working in partnership with Divine Energy. This is a universal truth not just true for a few. All human beings can cultivate a special connection with God. All of you are wired for Divine connection. You are by virtue of being in body, already connected with Divine Source. You have to be the one to activate this connection though. Otherwise, the connection remains dormant. It is never withdrawn, it simply waits for you to activate it. It is not a given that you will knowingly connect with Divine Source unless you make it happen. You can choose to live your life with a robust conscious connection with the Oneness/All That Is or choose to live with no conscious connection the Great Spirit at all.
Some people choose not to activate a conscious relationship with God. They feel there is no Divine Source and that there is nothing beyond this physical lifetime. Others feel that believing in something you can’t see is foolish. There are tons of reasons for not believing in God. Mostly, however, those are based on inaccurate human definitions of an all powerful God who controls absolutely everything. When you look around, there are millions of things happening daily that point to seeming reasons for believing there is no God or at least one not available to you. However, all those incidents, conditions, or imbalances are the results of individuals who are not plugged into God energy. Divine Energy works through you and when you are not open to it, your energy can get channeled into actions, issues, and deeds that are not of the Light. Activate a relationship with Divine Source today!

God energy is within, as well as throughout the Universe. Everything about you is wired for connection to your higher self, to your soul, and to the partnership with Divine Oneness. This Divine connection is like having faith that you have insides to your body. You can’t see those insides, though you feel their presence acutely when things go haywire. You get told that there are arteries and veins, tissues and bones inside your body casing. You mostly believe this even though very few people have seen the inner workings. You know there is something inside of you that needs attention and care.
God’s energy is like that. You can go along as disconnected as you choose, and suddenly, one day, you have an awakening to something larger than daily life and bodies. Something brings profound changes to your life. You may be one of those to get a switched on Light experience. However, waiting for that to happen can be a long wait.
I entreat you to consider asking for help to connect with Divine Source energy today. Make the choice to explore the possibility that there is something not only beyond what you can see but eternally present with you. This is a leap of faith, but it is one that will enrich every aspect of your life. Go inside and face the skepticism, the fear of being more than what you see, and call forth the opportunity to grow peace of mind. Also, keep doing this regardless of the nay saying in your mind. Keep showing up and asking for connection.
The main reason to seek Divine connection is that is how you cultivate peace of mind. All the misperceptions you carry about yourself, all the anger and obsessions you feel towards yourself and others, all the discontent you feel with parts of your life are all indications that seeking within is waiting. The mind will run us if we do not actively counter the darkness we carry within. Every single step you take to address that which is out of balance will expand your consciousness and bring you closer to inner peace, health, and well being. Try it over and over again, without giving up. This is the most important step you can take in your life. No institution, pathway, or specific teachings are needed do this. Just simply begin. All you need will be given as long as you continue to show up. This is the first step to spiritual healing. The rest will be given for eternity.
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