Be not afraid. Fear drains the very vitality out of your body and life. Fear can run away with your joy and your sense of peace. It is the opposite of love and can seep into every crevice you allow it to inhabit. Fear feeds discouragement and imbalance. So what are your top fears? Everyone has a set of fears that sit just below the surface, running you. The only way to deal with fear is to face it down. You have to name it and command it out of you field so it releases your mind, heart, body, soul, and energy field completely. Otherwise, it just sits in your energy field and disturbs you again and again. If you did nothing else ever with your energy field but clear for fear, you could arrive at a totally peaceful inner landscape. Fear is worthy of your time. It is worthy of your attention and your determination to cast it out of your energy field.

Fear is what makes you feel little, ineffective, of no importance, and without agency. Return to your major fear and look at it squarely in the face. When you name fear you take the first step towards commanding it our of your mind, body, and soul. You are the only one who can do this. You have free will so you can live with fear or you can set it down and move on. There may always be another fear rearing its ugly head just as you let one fear go. But you can always face that one as well. That is your choice and your right to cleanse all fear from your energy field.
Frequently, individuals tell me they do not want to even try to clear fear because of feeling they have no power to do so. Others feel that the fear is real, true, and has power over them. But truly, fear is something you have given your power to and you can take that power back as well.
Lots of folks stick their heads in the sand and ignore their inner sense of fear believing that not consciously recognizing the fear, keeps it from negatively affecting you. This is absolutely untrue. In fact, fear is the way your inner knowing is guiding you to pay attention. When fear is in your field, it is always negatively affecting you! Further, the longer you hold onto fear, the stronger it becomes. It often slops over into anger and rage. Anger and rage have their beginnings in fear. Pretty soon, you are filled with fear manifesting anger and rage, over and over again.
Fear is your inner warning system. It is powerful and relentless. It takes a myriad of forms and only you can face it and call it out. Start with the biggest fear you have and work with it in Sacred Space. Follow the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol and clear it from your field. Then use both part 1 and part 2 of the of the Chronic Imbalances protocol to more deeply clear chronic fear from your field and you are home free. We are talking 15 minutes at the outside.
Further, if you do not fully clear all the fear you targeted, no worries. You will be shown again that more clearing is needed. Just repeat the process again, knowing that clearings of this sort have their own timing for total clearing. Repeating clearings does not mean you have messed up. It means you are getting guidance to complete that which you have started. Begin the process, keep showing up, and all the next steps will be given.
So what do you do then after that first fear energy is gone? Go to the next big fear you have and repeat this process again, and again. Do not hide from any fear you carry. Fear is corrosive and detrimental to your health on every single level you can imagine. Do not allow fear to simmer within! Name it, face it, and command it out within a Sacred Space. Wallowing in fear or denying its existence does you no good at all. Commanding it out of your energy field is one of the most transformational acts you can take towards inner peace. Begin with your biggest fear today!