Death of another is a loss of what is
It is the loss of what has been
And the finality of what could have been
The loss of more time together

Death pricks the fear that you will not
Make it through the sorrow
You will not find your way out
You will always be in grief
Loss of another is a call to go within
To consciously touch to that which is solid
That which never changes and is constant
The connection with the Greater Whole
You are still safe and loved
Even when death is present
You still have the knowing of the Love
That has been and always will be
Why does the dread about death persist?
The seeming finality is scary
Your loved one is not in the flesh
Your loved one moves to a place within
Perhaps you have not explored within
Perhaps you do not feel at ease there
Perhaps the deep grief feels paralyzing
Perhaps moving ahead seems overwhelming

However within is a place of Love
Within awaits your presence
Healing and Love both reside within
Restoration and Grace reside within
Going within provides all the time
You desire to say the things you did not say
To set things right from your side
To determine that which needs saying
Death is often a doorway to inner peace
It beckons us to quiet reflection
It strengthens us for reentering life
Without our loved one in the flesh
Every action and feeling you have
Is known by the Everlasting Love
You cannot be forgotten ever
You will find your way home
Receive the blessings of the Eternal Energy
Beckoning you to your own true self
Reminding you are whole and will feel whole again
Restating that all is well and that you are truly loved
If you are beset with sorrow, this can leave you. Open a Sacred Healing Space with Divine Source energy you want in that space. Call for help (I call forth help) from Divine Source for any depression, sorrow, loss or grief energy you are carrying to be transformed. Call for your lightness of heart and mind to be restored. Call in the healing energy and balance that you desire. Call for the help you need to take up your life again. You can do this for yourself and for others. You are always heard.