In meditation, it is Divinely given repeatedly that all imbalances in our lives are due to our inner unseen blocked energy. Imbalances cause all sorts of pain. Pain comes from imbalances including, financial, mental, relationship, emotional, physical, health and professional imbalances, among others. What if you seriously undertook the belief that all things are possible with God/ Divine Source/ The Oneness ? Literally, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying this. What is holding you back from going inside, identifying your own blocked energy and focusing on it long enough to clear it and thereby clear up your life’s imbalances? Even the smallest efforts help. All clearing you do now will release you permanently from those imbalances causing stuck energy.
You actually come into body to clear as much blocked energy as you can in your lifetime. Your major reason for coming into body is to learn you are loved beyond anything you can fully imagine.
You originally took on all you stuck energy in your mind, body and soul. Therefore, because this was taken on in body you have to clear current blocked energy while you are in physical body in this dimension. This does not magically happen when you are out of body! For chronic migraine headaches, cancer, insomnia, shame, anxiety, pain, failing relationships, or depression, etc., unseen blocked energies must become unblocked for full physical rebalancing to take place. Medications and supplements can help you along the way and but they will never fully heal the basic causes of the imbalances you are experiencing.
To begin to truly touch to your blocked energy, you have to face the parts of yourself that are out of balance. When you are out of balance, there is too much dissonance within for you to receive the love that is available to you from Divine Source, from others and from yourself. When blocked energy is present, you keep having repeated imbalances in the same areas until you do the inner work to clear unseen blocked energy that is causing the imbalances.
This approach to healing comes from 38 lifetimes spent in this dimension. We get all the chances we need to clear blocked energy, over and over again, lifetime after lifetime. The shortest way to clear chronic blocked energy is to look inside to determine where to begin. Sit in Sacred Space and ask, “What do I need to clear that is blocking me from wholeness?” You will get the guidance you need but you have to seek it with your intention and commitment to heal. Each time you call for specific clearing in Sacred Space, you will clear some of the blocked energy you have been carrying. Each time you will “lighten your load”.
How to begin. Take my free tutorial to help you effectively name the imbalances you want to address. It is three short sessions under 15 minutes, given over three days, to help you begin to name the trauma energy you are experiencing. Begin this today! This information has been given to me in meditation for 30 years in this lifetime so that all of us in body can learn how to heal major issues we are living with.
If you truly set an intention to heal your anger, your judgement, your fear, your pain or your grief, etc., you will be led in how to do this. If you take a step in this direction all the additional energy and guidance you need will be given. Try these steps for success.
Begin with my healing yourself tutorial
Use The Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol
Use the new protocol information for chronic imbalances 1 and part 2
These resources offer a cohesive method for healing blocked energy that will work every time you use it. The alternative is to continue with these same imbalances repeating again and again until you face the stuck energy in Sacred Space and command it out of your field. All that I am offering you here has been Divinely given to help you come into greater and greater balance. Share this with others who want more balance in their lives!
The healing you need begins with you. You have to choose to use your free will to focus on what is blocked within and causing imbalances in your life. You are the one to call in the healing and rebalancing you need. No one else can really do this for you. All the help you need however, is available if you begin to call for your own healing of blocked unseen energies affecting you daily. Blessings upon all your efforts!
*If you want more support in this process, get my book, The Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol available through Amazon for under $4.00 for the kindle version.