The ‘I AM’ Presence is your unconditional connection with Divine Source/God/All That Is. Every person has this connection regardless of life circumstances. To activate that energy you have to claim that connection out loud for it to fully activate. Otherwise, you can spend you entire life missing out on working from your highest self.
Speak the following out loud.
- I call forth my ‘I AM’ Presence as I prepare to confront my daughter about her recent behaviors and grades.
- From my ‘I AM’ Presence, I bless the marriage of Johan and Moan, for their highest good to manifest.
- From the combined power of my ‘I AM’ Presence and God’s Glory, I command an honest, wise, collaborative, and people serving federal government manifest for this country.
- Through my ‘I AM’ Presence, I call forth the most perfect professional position for me at this time.
- With the power and determination of my I AM Presence, I command the deepest cleansing for rebalancing the Nation’s mind, body, and soul manifesting as systemic racism in the United States of America.

You are made in the image of God. You have seeds of God-ness all through you. You have to call forth the I AM power and energy for it to fully come alive in this dimension. Know and prepare for your negative feelings, discord, and negative thoughts to come to your surface as you begin to use this energy. By working with the I AM Energy, all that is not a part of this energy will show up for healing. If you ignore these issues, they will increase in severity without fail.
Doing your inner work is your side of the equation in your relationship with God. You can choose to go through life and ignore this inner work. However, as you are everlasting in spirit, you will have to address the imbalances, sooner or later. If you do it sooner, you will be free of those negative thoughts and feelings and their consequences sooner. However, it is your choice. You can take all the lifetimes you want to come to a place of doing inner work. However, the imbalances when ignored, grow bigger and bigger.
Every human is here potentially growing in the understanding of being created and sustained in Love. Regardless of what is around you, your core energy is Love. It could be covered over with fear, abuse, addiction, negative self-perceptions, arrogance, violence, or anger but at the core, all humans were created and sustained in Love. How to start?
Say these out loud. Hold the space for healing. Give thanks.
1. From my ‘I AM Presence’ I bring my feelings of ______________________ to this Sacred Space for healing and rebalancing. (shame, guilt, apathy, sorrow, fear, anger, desire, pride, arrogance, jealousy, self-hate, being a loser, etc.) Thank you for the healing.
2. With my ‘I AM’ Presence I call for clearing of the core reasons for my _________________________ that is no longer serving me or anyone else around me. (lying, cheating, embezzling, hatred, racism, competitiveness, mistreatment, violence, abuse, excessive drinking, addiction to ________, suspicion, etc. )Thank you for the healing.
3. Through my ‘I AM Presence’, I forgive wholly and completely ________________________ . ( myself, all those I have hurt, all my colleagues, my brother/mother/aunt/cousin/neighbor, etc. Thank you for the healing.
4. From my I AM Presence, I call forth Divine help and guidance for _______________________. ( my relationship, my next professional steps, my physical pain, my daughter’s job search, the future of my department, George/Janice/Shiela, the mess I have made of_____, etc. Thank you for the healing.
Work on any of the above issues for a few years and watch your life grow and change!! See my blog, found under Learn on the home page, at and search with the words ‘I AM’ or ‘I am’ and see all the other posts on this subject.