Helplessness comes from repeated cultural conditioning
From accepting the limitations of the seen world
Your perceptions of the possible are limited
By surroundings, thoughts, experiences, and your humanness
What you have not experienced, you do not imagine can be
What you are afraid will happen to you, overrides the possible
Your mind is strongly responsive to what has been
You must escape the mind to imagine the Infinite
The mind deals wonderfully with what can be seen
The heart deals wonderfully with all that is unseen

Dreaming with conviction of what could be is freeing
Imagining wholeness is a step to manifesting wholeness
However you need to begin by thoroughly slaying the constrictions
The mind holds as inevitable and its misperceptions of what is
To go beyond helplessness, you must command it out
You must create a clean slate for creating your heart’s desire
All then is possible even that which was impossible the minute before
All can then work together with Divine Source to manifest your wholeness