When I enter the dark woods
I feel a welcoming dampness and camaraderie
We share a cognizance of knowing
There is peace energy here and cooperation

There is stillness along with chirps and chatter
The foot prints of the deer and raccoons speak
The stream runs continuously to the west
The wind makes itself known, gently
I am invited to breath deeply of moss and bark
To make myself known to the greater whole
To leave my worries and tasks behind
To be, to smell, to feel, and to give thanks
Just ahead, the may apples are beginning to peak out
Unknown names of wild flowers dot the forest floor
I delight in their profound colors so shortly present
Yes so brilliantly displayed for me to rejoice with them
This isolated community reminds me of connection
I touch to compatible energy existing and flowing
I feel inner tightness falling into the ground
All tension and stress being cleansed by the trees

My body can walk and be and feel and release
My mind seems to float away from focus
Joy bubbles up and a favorite tune starts in my head
I hope nobody find me here, hope no talking is required
One day maybe I can both talk and be present
Though I talk so much that I sometimes forget
The silence within me, that gets too little attention
I feel whole here like all my parts are present
Who knows me in this place, so centered and solid
I hardly ever show this me to outsiders
They know my credentials and my outer history
They know about me but know not of me, the real me
So these woods are my go to place, in person
In my imagination, in my dreams, in my writing
Today I am letting you into this special place
Treat it with love and gratitude for that will be returned
Maybe one day we can be here together
On the same wave length and vibration
Just to be and know, feel and be together
That would be a very special day indeed.