There is no other keeper of your gate but you
You have helpers along the way
Those who parented you and loved you
Those who befriended you and taught you

In the end though you are the sole keeper of your gate
You decide what to focus on and who to let in
You decide what you feel and how to react to those feelings
You decide what is worthy of your attention and what is not
You make all the choices of what and who can enter
Based on all the love and hurts you have ever experienced
You draw to yourself all the wonderful and awful
Experiences you need to come clean with yourself
Every life is a balance of the good and the bad
You have to sort it though and decide what to allow
What you will put up with and who you will tolerate
Those people who are helpful and those who are not
This can feel incredibly overwhelming
The sense that is it all up to you
That each choice or decision is solely up to you
This is not fully true, nor your only alternative
The experience of feeling alone and wholly responsible
Is the human interpretations of a lifetime
There is a spiritual dimension that can also be present
That choice is to connect to all the Love energy available
What if you tried to connect your heart to Love
Every single moment of the day and night?
What if you asked for Divine help to do this?
Knowing you will always be heard and supported
Not so alone, not so solely responsible for your life’s trajectory
What if you truly sought the guidance of the Great Spirit?
Try it. Nothing keeps you from opening to Divine Love
And seeing where it leads you. Seeing where you are taken.
You really have nothing to lose but unhealed inner negativity
You have everything to gain, a pathway to Peace and Balance
You will also be accompanied if you call this energy into your life
You have to give permission though for help to be given to you

Take a leap into the arms of Divine Love and Knowing
You are already wired for this, by being in body
You have already committed to learn everything needed to come to Peace
However, you must still activate this call to Divine Source again, now
You may think you have set up your life to work with Spirit before you came in
However, until you consciously make that choice again in body
You will not be fully able to work with Spirit because of Free Will
You have to call in the Presence of Divine Love now for it to manifest
It is not a hard thing to do
Only you may need to set down
The feeling that you do not deserve
To know God’s presence
That is a human issue, fully coming out of false self-perceptions
Set those down, call the Divine energy in anyway
The act of calling in the Presence of All That Is
Will set you on a renewed path to Inner Peace, Kindness, and Love