Meditate! It is truly the best way you can take care of yourself. This does not take the place of exercise and healthy eating but it does expand your ability to cope, to feel at peace, to feel connected to Divine Wholeness, to figure out your feelings and address them and a myriad of other positive effects. In these bodies, at this time, meditating is essential to stay centered and positive. There is so much to be fearful of, so much to drain your energy, so much to worry about, and so much to knock you off kilter. Meditating allows you to recenter, to just be in the present moment and to breath fully. When you seek the Stillness and Silence, you will also become aware of what is bothering you, what you are afraid of, how you are not attending to yourself, and how you are being taken out by your unprocessed feelings about everything.
Why don’t you do it? I have heard every excuse in the book about why people don’t meditate. These reasons for not meditating keep growing until you try it. Until you really sit and be still, sit and be with your racing mind, or sit and seek connection. You may be afraid of what you will find within. You may feel that meditating does not immediately respond to the issues you are facing. You may feel that seeing one more friend or doing one more round on the track is more beneficial than being still. Whatever reasons you have for not meditating, they are not serving you well.
Meditation expands your sense of personal power, personal efficacy, personal integrity, and inner peace. Meditating supports all of the efforts you are making in the outer world as well. It enables you to determine what is affecting you in negative ways. Meditating is a self-loving act of the hugest proportions.
The racing mind is always there. When you meditate, you can learn to set down the racing mind and to breath in Silence. You learn that you are not alone when you meditate, you are connecting to the energy of Wholeness, Goodness and Eternal Connection. You are way more than your body and your life. You are literally here to learn how to Love more, yourself and others. All the rest is the staging that you are moving through for these learnings. The only lasting thing you will create in your life is Love. All else is transitory. Even a legacy, being remembered for who you were and what you accomplished is transitory. However, the Love you give and receive is lasting because that shapes your soul, your eternal energy, and your consciousness.
As we know from science, matter does not disappear, it changes form. We change between form and formlessness again and again in our eternal journeys. What we take with us is the ability to manifest LOVE! Meditation is an inner process to help you learn how to truly love yourself, others, and all that you are facing, even profound loss. You can persistently try to do this through focusing on your external life. It is much easier though to learn about loving self and others through an inner journey, even for extroverts, than to repeatedly make the same poor choices, to your repeated dismay.
Meditation is a learning process. You have the option of working through ineffective beliefs, reactions, and feelings without negatively affecting others and therefore yourself in real time. It is a win/win process.
The issue for many people is what to do with the feelings that come up in Silence. FACE THEM!! That is how you set them down and move on. Name the feelings and command them out of your energy field. Unless you already have a process you love that does that, use the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol as a way to clear out unhelpful thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Further, if you simply show up in meditation, open Sacred Space and sit, you will be led to the issues you most need to clear. The biggest boon is that as you show up, you get better at meditating. You will, with time, feel more peaceful. Keep showing up and trying this! You will also get more proficient in realizing where you are stuck and in clearing out blocked energies so that you can move more lightly through your day. Meditate!
All else will be given.
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