This is the second part of information on healing chronic imbalances. You might want to read Part 1 before continuing with this post. Healing Chronic Imbalances, Part 1 was published on this blog site last week.
A universal truth for all healing is that the blocked energies you carry manifest as imbalances in your life. All blocked energies must clear to enable your presenting imbalance(s) to permanently clear. A chronic imbalance is a sign that deeper issues are out of balance otherwise the body, mind, or soul would not be manifesting the chronic issue you are experiencing. Clearing blocked root imbalances clears the road to full healing.
This post explores the second set of five root imbalances: karmic curse, free will, gestational and in utero imbalance, collective unconscious links, and personal penance trauma energies. Begin by opening Sacred Space. Use the Six-Step Healing Protocol for your presenting imbalance before you clear for these blocked energies. Speak all words in italics out loud to command more form and power for healing.
These root imbalance issues are most likely needed when your chronic imbalances are not healing. You do not have to know the specifics of a root imbalance to have it heal. The examples given are to help you understand how blocked energies may be affecting you in the present.
5. Karmic Curses are curses you have given your power to over and over again through lifetimes and still believe at some level, these curses have power over you. Karmic curses are frequently lodged at the unconscious or supra-conscious (soul) level so you are unaware of this blocked energy and its impact on you. Example: Feeling insufficient as a parent due to previous failures in your unconscious mind as to your ability to parent well.
I call forth all karmic curse trauma energy manifesting as _________________ (your specific imbalance) and all symptoms to be completed and transformed into Right Relationship with All That Is. I call for all detox to be completed in quantum space.*
6. Free will is the right to think, feel, and act as you so choose. This is fine until you experience trauma and imbalance as a result of your present or past free will choices. Free will trauma frequently resides at the unconscious or supra-conscious (soul) level. Therefore, free will trauma energy can manifest in infinite ways without your being consciously aware of this trauma energy you carry. Example: Not healing due to your free will choice, unknown to you, of believing you are not worthy of healing.
I call forth all free will trauma energy manifesting as _______________ (your specific imbalance) and all symptoms to be completed and transformed into Right Relationship with All That Is. I call for all detox to be completed in quantum space.*
7. Gestational and in utero imbalances cover the entire range of issues that may have begun in utero and continued through the birth process. As you were not conscious at this time in your life, these imbalances always reside in the unconscious and supra-conscious (soul) levels. Example: Not feeling wanted or loved due to unknown trauma in utero by you birth mother.
I call forth all gestational and in utero trauma energy manifesting as _______________ (your specific imbalance) and all symptoms to be completed and transformed into Right Relationship with Divine Source. I call for all detox to be completed in quantum space.*
8. Collective unconscious links are links that affect you because the culture, beliefs and feelings shared by others around a situation are affecting you own point of view. Example: Feeling continually depressed due to those around you (unknown to you) feeling down about taxes, jobs, health, aging, etc.
I call forth all collective unconscious links trauma energy manifesting as ___________________ (your specific imbalance) and all symptoms to be delinked and transformed into Right Relationship with Divine Source. I call for all detox to be completed in quantum space.*
9. Personal Penance is a state of mind you bring into this lifetime for continuous punishment of yourself for your past transgressions. This is more binding and extreme than a life contract. This might be at work if you have had a lifetime of illnesses, chronic insomnia or repeated inability to form a lasting relationship with another person, for example.
I call forth all personal penance trauma energy of all kinds contributing to _____________________ (your specific imbalance) and all symptoms to be transformed into Right Relationship with All That Is. I call for all detox to be completed in quantum space.*
Keep clearing for each of these 9 possible root imbalances with regard to your imbalance until full healing manifests. Remember, especially with genetic root imbalances, repeated clearings may be needed. Alternatively, use your pendulum to determine which root imbalances you have with regard to your specific imbalance and clear those.
*Quantum space is the space which is seemingly void from which all things are created.
what a relief to know we don’t have to know the source. i see so much trauma out here in this world, my own and that of relatives and clients. Feels like pure freedom to know we don’t have to “figure out” its source. thank you! Eileen