I like the idea of inner peace but truly I am always close to turmoil
I have either just come from turmoil or am just about to enter into it
I know if I can get a free day to do anything I want, that helps
I know if I take a Silence break, I can feel some peace and lightness

I wrestle with my mind lots of the time
I have these feelings of not being good enough
At what, it does not seem to matter
Just generally feeling not good enough permeates my mind
I do sometimes have peaks of satisfaction and joy
I do have moments of real peace and presence
I would love to have more of these but I often get sideswiped
When I least expect that and I find myself getting taken out
Anger is a tough nut to crack
It rises up and I can’t seem to just let it go
It feels like it is trying to get out of me
That it knows I would be better off without it
Seeking some inner peace is something I want to be better at
I sometimes sit and go inside with breath and quiet
When I get to a quiet mind, I can feel lighter
I can touch to a flowing energy of order and ease
The issue is why do I push so hard?
Why don’t I make time to breathe and relax?
What is so important that I rush around all the time?
Perhaps I don’t feel I deserve to feel ease and peace?

I call in more love for myself, more deep wellness and kindness
I call in more flowing grace in my life, with laughter and delight
I call in more kindness for myself and towards others
I call in more healing grace for all the things I think I need to carry
If there is a space of Divine order, I call that in for me too
I want to be more loving, happy, and peaceful
I set down all the darkness, worry, and anger I have packed away
I open this day to joy, loving kindness, inner peace, and hope
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