Walk upon this Earth with kindness and determination
Kindness towards all beings and determination to be your best
Seek to gently look within, to ferret out that which is not serving you
When Truth is presented, take time to actively move closer to it
Learn from all your mistakes, especially those accompanied by shame
Forgive profusely and completely, meaning truly set down the conflict
When tempted to lie, stay with the truth and hope for the best
Face all your anger with the intention to defuse it for yourself
Choose to love, champion others, create peace and patience
Strive to reframe the seeming darkness that appears
You live in the heart of Divine Presence always and forever
Keep practicing making that connection in infinite ways
Persistence in service to Love and Joy benefits all
Seeking to make peace with yourself affects all
Service to a higher presence touches everyone
Empathy for yourself creates acceptance and empathy for all
You create your own life regardless of what happens to you
You can be learning every step of the way along life’s journey
You can spend every second of your life reframing it in Love
You will reap unimaginable rewards for these choices, over and over again
Susan Pasquariello says
Beautiful – touched my heart – thank you …
Robbins Hopkins says
Dear Susan,
Thank you for your comments on Walk with Kindness and Determination. I so appreciate hearing from you! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving even in these isolating circumstances! May we all make it through this time into more safety and healing. Blessings and appreciation, Robbins
Annie Greenleaf says
I’m so glad I read this beautiful piece first thing today! I needed this message. Thank you Dear Robbins Hopkins!
Robbins Hopkins says
Dear Annie, I am looking over these comments and wanted to thank you again for your response to this piece. It is so rewarding for me to know it was a needed message that was received. Best and Blessings, Robbins
Shirley Fletcher says
Thanks Robbins. “Reframe every step in love.” What a wonderful way to live!
This I will remember.
Robbins Hopkins says
Thank you for your comment on this post! I think the more I reframe situations, the better I get at beginning FIRST to think of the goodness or blessings within. What a shift this has made for me. Happy New Year! Namaste, Robbins