Many people secretly would love to connect with Divine Source/Spirit/God especially if it just happens. Who wouldn’t love to connect with an all loving, all accepting, forever forgiving, ever expanding, loving Force of Energy? Divine Presence energy is trustworthy, has your highest needs in mind, gives you as many chances as you need to make loving changes for yourself, and is always available day or night.

However, repeating small choices to do other things with your time and interests take precedence. You perhaps have tried and “failed” due to your perception of what that Divine Connection should look like. Perhaps you don’t believe in Divine Presence, Divine Energy, Divine Source at all because of unfair losses, unfulfilling houses of worship, or having “tried everything” and never felt connected. Thus, you may have become skeptical of the entire idea of Divine Source/God/Pure Love Energy.
Frequently deep sorrow, depression, addiction, loss, guilt, rage, pain, illness or failures leads us back to our inner selves. In fact, the very reason we have repeating imbalances is a call back to our inner selves. Your inner self is where you can connect with Divine Source. External experiences rarely bring you in one fell swoop to Divine Connection. There may be experiences that point you in the right direction but you have to make an active choice for Divine Connection, Love, and mutual interaction for Divine Connection to manifest.
You can return innumerable times into body form without actively pursuing Divine Connection. However, if you are thinking, YES, I want to pursue this, make an active choice to begin the journey. I started by writing my heart out and addressed it all to Dear God. I put all my anger, frustrations, small-mindedness, irritations, judgements, and self blame into thousands of pages to Divine Source. Help and loving healing energy were always the answers. I knew nothing about what I am doing now, at that time. I just began. So can you. Start writing to God/Divine Source/The Great Oneness even about what you do not believe but wish you did. YOU WILL BE LED.
Try repeatedly to listen within to the still small voice, your own intuition. You are connecting with Divine Source. At your core, you are already one with Divine Source even if you do not believe this, act on this, or grow this. It is still Eternal Truth. If you feel you can’t connect, that is where the work is. If anger comes up, clear* for the anger and try again. If self-judgement comes up, clear* for the self-judgement and try again. Continually clear* the blocked energies you have taken on that separate you from Peace, Joy, Health, and Divine Connection and you will expand your conscious knowing of All That Is/God, every single time you do this.

You do not have to be perfect to connect with Divine Spirit. You do have to seek unceasingly, again and again. I consciously spent 7 years in profound Silence working on all my junk that kept me from connecting with God/All That Is. I learned all I had to do was to begin and keep it up! The work has been to bring all the ways, places, interactions, situations, and relationships where I am separated from Peace, from my highest self, from balance, and from Love to the dialogue with Divine Source. This has NOTHING to do with what other people are doing or not doing. It has everything to do with my feelings, thoughts, fears, doubts, self-protections and judgments.
Everything that happens in life is a learning opportunity. Even the toughest situations have eventually been revealed as needed learning for me. I know this is true for my clients as well. Seek with an open mind. You are already hard wired to connect with The Great Oneness!! If you continue to return to your own inner thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes, frustrations, anger, sorrows, and hatreds, you will clear all imbalances from your energy field in time. Work in Sacred Space. There is a completely different reality of peace, happiness, health, and success awaiting you if you begin to seek Divine Connection. Activating your Divine Connection is the fastest, most direct and profound way to expand your consciousness. Activate your journey to Divine Connection! You will never regret it.
* Use the Six-Step Healing Protocol for clearing anything that is out of balance for you.
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