When people say, “you need to be in Silence”, there is usually a vision of sitting, perhaps cross-legged with eyes closed and breathing deeply for 30 minutes or so, while being left alone by the world. The thought of this for many people is simply a non-starter and blocks our energy before one can even fully consider it. Sometimes in our lives, such time is non-existent no matter how much we would love to have that experience.

Still, the place to spend time with All That Is/Divine Presence/God is in Silence. When we show up for this time together, we are the ones who are greatly blessed because we are loved, supported and calmed energetically in ways that generally don’t happen in the world. Silence with God is spending time with God without your own agenda.
The main ingredient we need to be successful in making time with God’s Energy is intention. Here are some examples of how to do that. One can dedicate 10 minutes of a walk with the dog to being with Divine Presence.

Another option is to dedicate time while working in the garden or the yard to connecting with God. Open a sacred space by calling in Divine Beings or Divine Light and call God into your time regardless of what you may be doing. Another place I used to have time with God was in the bathroom. That was at a time that I could reasonably count on having a few minutes to myself there. I would seek that time and space at all times of the day and usually that was honored!
We can listen to uplifting music and intentionally invite Divine Presence into our space. This is not Silence per se but it may get us into Silence with grace and ease. The more we intentionally connect with Divine Energy, the more we notice a shift in the vibration of energy around us. This is the Holy Spirit showing up to be with us because we asked. One could read a spiritual book while asking God to enter into this space and time with you, as well. If you are reading poetry or prose, take a section, read the piece three time out loud and then sit in the Silence of that energy. You will be ministered to through Sacred Presence. Usually there is a great calm that comes over us even if we only have 15 minutes.
Any sacred time can be carved out and dedicated to God. You can be watching children playing a sport and while sitting apart for the crowd, take 15 minutes to dedicate special time with God. You can arrive early for an appointment and sit in the car listening to classical music or simply recline with eyes closed and ask God to connect with you. The ways are infinite.
The challenge is to regularly invite God into your life. Don’t talk about it and despair or simply close the door on it as being an impossibility. We are in great need of the Presence of God. That energy is incredibly calming, supportive and filled with Divine Love which is totally different from human support and love here. However, we need to knock on the door with GREAT determination, seek without giving up and keep asking for connection and communion with God by showing up every day in one way or another. We are the only ones who can gift ourselves with Divine Grace. It is all around us but we have to say YES and show up. So, do what works.

For those of you who are finding time in Silence, there is another step which can be taken to expand your conscious knowing of God. After you have intentionally connected with God, you may come out of that time and realize you have something you want to pray about, ask forgiveness for, call Divine Presence into or clear some blocked energy you have become aware of. This is not Silence. This is working with God to call forth this energy for a specific person, situation or purpose. This is unifying prayer. Each of these experiences is still being with God but the focus changes to your own thoughts, questions, needs, etc. This is a natural outgrowth of being in Silence with God.
Muriel was just coming out of a twenty minute session of Silence with God. She immediately saw the face of her sister in front of her. Her sister had passed away two years earlier.

She did not know what the image of her sister actually meant, but the experience felt uncomfortable within. She loved her sister deeply but there was an uneasiness when her face appeared to her. Muriel took two minutes more in Silence and realized she needed to ask forgiveness for the way in which she had behaved when she needed to help take care of her during her illness and when she needed to suddenly do all the extra things for their parents when her sister was sick. Right then and there she asked for forgiveness for those unkind feelings, hasty words and old anger. She felt a perceptible sense of Lightness in her chest and heart area. She knew she had actually been forgiven in that moment. She was amazed that it was so easy to release that old energy. In fact, she had not really remembered her feelings until her sister’s face appeared to her. This was the Holy Spirit working with Muriel to help her clear her soul energy from this stagnant, stuck feeling that was still with her two years after her sister had died.
This is an example of how seamlessly this Divine Energy can work with us. Muriel was in a deep communion with All That Is/God and she simply knew she needed to ask for forgiveness. Without showing up for time with God, she could have carried that draining energy for years and have it show up in all sorts of unhelpful ways.
If we begin our personal relationship with God in Silence, we will be blessed in ways we can never imagine. Show up, dedicate time to God, keep the appointment, be in the Silence, and listen. This is how we come to a place of balance and wholeness through Divine Grace. Even if you have no visual for God, no sense of what or who God is for you, even if you don’t even know if you believe in God Presence, do this anyway. There is a deep magic, that surpasses all understanding, whose doorway will open to us. When this happens all our fears become less powerful, we become more capable of gratitude, we can release that which is not serving us or others very well. If we have just even a few minutes, we will be ministered to. We are deeply loved beyond anything we as humans can comprehend. However, we have to chose to enter into the Silence before we can gather this blessing for ourselves and for others.
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