You may have a prickly relationship with someone in your life. Often prickly relationships have a long history with both good and not so good exchanges that challenge you repeatedly. What if you could bring about the healing for the sticky parts of that relationship? What if you could really call in the healing for you and your selected person and have a future without the potential for conflict and awkwardness? Cording energy healing provides a way to address relationships that are out of balance permanently or intermittently.

Energetic cording is a term for the energy passing back and forth between people in relationships. Energetic cording exists in all relationships. This cording can be positive in both directions or negative in both directions between individuals. You can also have a combination of positive energy from you to another person and negative energy from that other person coming to you or vice versa. Usually you know when there is either positive or negative energy in both directions between individuals. With negative energy in both directions, you may desire to cut off the relationship all together. That can be hard to do though if the other person is a family member, close colleague, or intimate partner. When a relationship has good energy moving in one direction and negative energy moving in the other direction, you can also feel disturbingly off without understanding what is not quite right.
The most pressing situations manifest when there is negative cording in one or both directions. These situations cause imbalances and discomfort, usually to both parties. All cording flows in a direction from you to another person or from another person to you. Whoever has the strongest feelings in the relationship determines the direction of the flow of energy. However, either person can influence a change in the energy of the cording between individuals. You can heal negative cording whether you are the person creating it or receiving it.
Energetic cords are real. A clairvoyant can see cording between people. Positive cording is strong, shimmering, and flexible. Negative cording is dark, stringy, and rigid. Every time we have an interaction, the cording has the chance to change. Therefore, attending to negative cording is worth the effort to help the relationship change.
You may have heard the term, cut the cords referring to a person, place, or situation. Tina Zion*, a medical intuitive, explains that cutting cording is the wrong image to pursue because the negative energy just remains negative and moves to another situation, person, location. Further, even though you can “cut the cords” with a person, this still leaves tendrils or roots of the negativity in one or both persons. You have to transform the energy so that what was negative is literally changed to positive energy or at least to neutral energy.
Healing Negative Cording, Level 1
- Use the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol to do this healing work. Add the name of the person and their Divine Beings to your Sacred Wisdom and Healing Circle if you are working on cording with another person.
- Use the following wording for Step 3. My imbalance is negative cording between Jacob and me ( between my house/job/computer and me, etc.) trauma energy and all symptoms.
- After Step 6, add, I call for all detox from this healing to be completed in quantum space, at the end of Step 6. Complete Step 6 of the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol and you are done.
If after some time, there remains negative cording with the same person or situation, deeper unhealed root issues affecting the negative cording are keeping the energy from fully healing. Level 1 covers blocked emotional, mental, thermal, spiritual, hereditary line, karmic, curse and spell energies. See the links below in Level 2 for the list of potential blocked root imbalances and specific language to clear those imbalances for full healing.
Healing Negative Cording, Level 2
- Begin by opening Sacred Space.
- Return to this post. Read the following paragraph and move directly to the link below, Healing Chronic Imbalances, Part 1.
To efficiently do this healing go to the italicized bold typed sections of each post and use your same imbalance wording as you originally used in Level 1. Speak all these words out loud to give them form and power in this dimension. There are four areas of potential root imbalances you call forth from Part 1. There are 4 more areas of potential root imbalances from Part 2. This should take a total of less than 15 minutes to complete.This covers all known root imbalances that could be affecting negative energetic cording between you and another person, place, thing or situation.
- Return to this post. Then move to the link for Healing Chronic Imbalances, Part 2
In Closing
You can close this healing session with appreciation to the Divine Beings working with you. Send this healing energy out to all others around the globe who need this healing.
This healing energy will clear lifetimes of unhealed energies way beyond your present situation! Take the time to fully go after negative cording in your life. It will free you and the other person from years of strain, stress, and discomfort in relating to each other and will help you create future relationships free from negative cording.
*Tony Zion, Advanced Medical Intuition: WrightLife Publishing, 2019, pg. 59-73.
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