The vast majority of humans barely use spiritual power at all. This may be because you don’t know you have it, or how to use it or because you don’t believe you are “authorized” to call forth your spiritual power, being the “small human” you imagine yourself to be. One of the many gifts and blessings Saint Germain gave the world is a way to decree and activate your spiritual power. His series of teachings, published by Saint Germain Press containing over 30 green books, is a complete lifetime course in how to actualize your spiritual power. We are going to look at one specific way to call forth your fuller spiritual power, the power of decree.

Of course, decrees can be said without any heart energy present and they will accomplish little. However, with determination and heart-felt energy, decrees as well as prayers and mantras become powerful commands of spiritual power. Your heart’s desire for change for the good activates that energy in this dimension. Decrees are effective because every person is created from Divine Love and Energy. This energy is in all human beings.
You may not be feeling Divine Love in the daily process of your life. Nevertheless, when you decree for good, you are moving beyond your mind’s limitations about who you are and embracing your eternal, all powerful, all knowing self to which every person is connected even while in body.
For most humans, there is little awareness of this energy, making it very unlikely that you have ever commanded any spiritual power for the good while in body. Never mind, it works even if your mind doesn’t get it! You don’t have to know how this will happen or when, the decree is enough to change the energy around you in profound ways. A decree is a command from you for good to come forth in its full power, in this dimension, in the present moment.
More fully activating your spiritual power often begins when you realize that you are the keeper of your own Light. You can grow it or ignore it. If you are interested in growing you spiritual power, you might ask, “How do I call forth my spiritual power into my daily human life?” The following decrees and commands are from the “I AM” Decree Booklets of the Saint Germain Press and are one way to activate your spiritual power.
These commands given from Saint Germain enable you to speak to your highest self and to Divine Presence. Change your thinking from being separate from God to being One with All That Is as you envision the greatest power on earth waking up and actualizing in your daily life. Repeat these out loud, three times, each time you focus on them.
We have the power to stop our dwelling on appearances which results in our feeling fearful.
STOP! You have no power. (speaking to the fear, rage, etc.) Get out of my world, I will have no more of this Human Nonsense. Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, dissolve, consume, annihilate this fear of darkness (fill in with your issue) within me and lift me out of this.
We have the power to call forth presence, power, and reinforcements of the Divine Love and Light right into our being.
BELOVED I AM PRESENCE! Give me Divine Order through Divine Love and Justice in my mind, in my home, my affairs and my world. I place myself and my affairs lovingly in the hands of the Divine Father/Mother with childlike faith. That which is for my highest good shall come to me.
We have the power and the right to call forth the Sacred Flame to clear and consume all our humanly developed feelings and thoughts that are draining us of our peace of being.
BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE! Pass your Violet Consuming Flame through my mental and feeling world, my mental and emotional bodies, and sweep out, dissolve, and consume all imperfection! Pour Your Mighty Current of Energy through me, filling my mind and body with Your Mighty Health, Strength, Energy, and Buoyancy, everywhere forever!

After you come to a stopping point with these decrees, take time to close your eyes and rest in the healing energy of Divine Presence. Saying these decrees brings powerful healing vibrations for needed shifts within your own energy field.
Note: When your calls feel unanswered: Either you are not using the Violet Consuming Flame to keep dissolving your own unbalanced human accumulations, or your emotions and feelings are not in alignment with what you are trying to address. These are the only two things that can produce any failure in the application of this Law. The Law never fails, but you can obstruct your way by allowing either of these two conditions to exist. ( I AM Decree Booklets, Book One pg. 142.)
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