Update on additional physical imbalances caused by viruses. See for original post on praying for conditions caused by viruses.
Since my last blog post, more conditions manifesting as a result of viruses have revealed themselves. This is an additional list of imbalances being affected by viruses in bodies. Viruses have been revealed at the spiritual level as causing fibroids, kidney stones, chronic muscle pain, pityriasis rosea, rosacea, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, shingles, fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis, liver disease, heart disease, kidney disease, and type 1 diabetes. For the initial list of virus causing conditions, and how to prayer for all viral imbalances, see the previous post link indicated above.
This information has been given at the spiritual level. This means that the current medical definition of virus may not be the same definition as the one given by Divine Knowing. In other words, medicine may not yet be able to recognize these imbalances as viruses in the physical body at the current time.
See the previous post link above for powerful prayers to clear blocked energies manifesting as these virus causing imbalances and conditions. Please consider sharing your experiences in the comment section so others can learn from your experiences. If you do not see a comment box at the end of the post you are reading, click on the post title until you are connected with the web version of the post you want to comment on and leave your comment in the box provided. Much Thanks!

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