Good Friday is here and Easter is upon us. Regardless of the religious or spiritual path you have taken, there are lessons for all of us from the Easter story. God was sending all of us lessons about life and death those many years ago. There is eternal life. There is no death.
This is hard to grasp because in this dimension, people appear to “die” and they seem to “disappear”. This does not however mean that people do actually “die”, pass into nothingness and cease to exist. They simply change dimensions. Truly, this is how the plan goes.
In 2004, I was with Joao de Deus, John of God, at his spiritual healing center in Abadiania, Brazil. I had been working as a spiritual healer for approximately 10 years in varying ways. In Brazil, I was learning how to differentiate between Divine Spirits I was working with on the other side, in my healing practice. I was sitting in the current room with about 75 others in 90 plus degree weather. We were all in prayerful Silence to help raise the vibration of the healing center so others could receive the healing energy they needed.
The attendants in the current room announced that Jesus’ energy was entering the space. Suddenly, a radiant Being of immense stature, at least 9 feet tall, was directly before me. It would have been impossible to miss this because my whole body was being penetrated by the Presence.
I heard a strong and clear voice directly in front of me say, “You are never again to question that you have come to heal others.” That was it. Short and sweet. Then the radiance left from in front of me.
The words and energy enveloped my whole body and my consciousness. I began to sob uncontrollably. I knew in my heart that no one in the world could have possibly known that I was still questioning that I was here to heal. I had not even acknowledged this out loud to myself. However, in my heart, I was feeling great uncertainty about my work as a spiritual healer. Only one of immense Knowing could have possibly known this secret I was holding onto. I finally got that Jesus was alive, knew me intimately, and had a clear directive for me.
What exactly does it mean to have eternal life? At the most basic levels, it means that no one dies and fades away, we simply change states of being as we enter other dimensions of life. Imagine that everything we know about being One with God stays with us when we pass out of body. Also, there is clear evidence that when we come back into body, unresolved feelings and thoughts in our souls show up again for us to respond to. Things like fear of death, fear of failure, fear of betrayal, or shame and guilt are some of the feelings that can follow us from previous times in body. We literally get all the chances we need to let go of thoughts and feelings which separate us from God.
When I am in meditative space, deep Silence, I work with the Ascended Masters and Angels. This has been going on most days for 17 years in this lifetime. Ascended Masters are very much alive and they have all been in body many, many times. Angels and Ascended Masters are eager to work with us, support us, guide us, talk with us, help us hold Sacred Space and help us discover Peace that is beyond all understanding.
So take a leap of faith. Open your mind and heart to the possibility that there is eternal life and there is no death. The Truth is, we are really eternal. However, we can choose to embrace this or not, as we have free will about what we choose to think is true. The message of Easter is about this for all peoples.
In the Bible, we have the story of Lazarus raised from the dead and the story of Jesus raised from the dead among others. In one case, Lazarus returned to his body and was seen by many others, immediately. In Jesus’ case, he did not return to a body that other’s immediately recognized, though he was eventually recognized by those who loved him deeply. Whatever we take to be true from the scriptures, the message is that there is no death. “FEAR NOT”.
What would your life be like if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are eternal? Can you imagine the freedom, the license you might give yourself to really live, to love and to receive love? What if you knew that you have all the time and support you need to learn the lessons of the Oneness which are all around you? Can you imagine giving yourself another real chance to know God? After all we are One with Divine Energy, have been, and will be, for evermore. What are we waiting for, really?
This Easter story of Jesus was given to us so that we could “get” things not ordinarily experienced in this dimension. People actually saw Jesus after he died, in the flesh. Through working with the Divine Beings of the other side, I can say without a doubt that there is eternal life for every one of us. Additionally, if we seriously get our act together and hang out with Divine Love Energy in the Silence now, we will be shown how we can leave a whole load of unhelpful stuff here this time around. We will be shown how we can leave anger, loss, fear, suffering, resentment and unforgiveness here and not take it forward with us into the Light when it is our time to pass over. Further, if we set down our fear, rage, shame and guilt now, we won’t continue to attract more of this into our energy fields again. This change can begin almost immediately. This allows our souls to heal and balance.
The strong and clear message from centuries from all our prophets, messiahs, avatars, mystics, rishis and yogis is, and continues to be, “drop the dark stuff“, “get to know God better” !! The dark feelings are not real, in the sense of lasting, though charged thoughts can seem very real at times. These tough feelings are with us PRECISELY so we can clear them away and experience Peace and Balance from now into all our futures. God is all Light. We have to drop the darkness to know God personally. Fear of death is one of the most powerfully charged dark engeries, we hang onto. Take a step towards trusting that we are truly eternal.
Your own knowing about life and death will come in ways uniquely perfect for you. You have to open to that knowing however. Enter Silence, and sit with All That Is, God, the Deep Silence. That is where the mysteries of life are shared. Happy Spring.
Sarah Keller says
I really enjoyed reading this! It was perfect timing as we go into Easter Weekend.
Thanks, Robbins
Robbins Hopkins says
Thanks for the feedback Sarah! So good to know that this posts was speaking to you! I appreciate you taking the time to let me know! Thank you,Robbins