Spiritual healing is the healing of the unseen energy in our energy field. It is not magic! We know that we are out of balance if we become angry or afraid about something in our lives. Anger, fear, shame and guilt each have a unique vibration which is different from the vibrations of joy, laughter, contentment and love. When we carry anger in our energy field regardless of its origin, the vibration of anger permeates our body. That vibration leaves our body when we reach resolution regarding the anger. Or, the anger vibration may remain in our energy field for years, if it is not completely resolved, released or the person forgiven, who is related to the anger. Spiritual healing is the process of releasing blocked energy which is not serving us well in our lives.

Spiritual healing recognizes that our thoughts, feelings, actions, memories, experiences and bodies are all one interrelated flow of energy impacting each other in thousands of ways every day. This is the mind, body, spirit connection. Every thought and feeling we have resonates throughout our bodies. If we experience trauma, sadness, abuse, fear, abandonment, our body registers this emotional content in the body. When we are stressed, out of balance, we are more vulnerable to contract infection, virus, parasites, etc. When we are out of balance emotionally or mentally, this ALWAYS shows up in our bodies, sometimes immediately and sometimes years later but it ALWAYS shows up.
The way to stay healthy and in balance is to do our inner work. This work most powerfully consists of identifying and releaseing blocked emotional, mental and spiritual energy which is manifesting as pain, hurt, anger, broken relationships, poor communications, repeating confrontations, back pain, cancer, ADHD, depression, infections, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. and all other types of imbalances in our physical bodies.
Each and every one of us is here to learn to be in greater states of Peace and Joy. Some of us recognize this and others among us do not. We can choose to ignore our inner work but eventually we have to do the work to find Peace and Contentment in our daily lives. We can spend lifetimes on the externals of what others think of us, on material possessions and on public attributes of prestige and success. The externals however have next to nothing to do with feeling successful, peaceful and balanced inside. The goal of spiritual healing is Peace and Wholeness inside. Then our lives, our relationships, our jobs and our bodies come into greater and greater balance.

When we release deep sadness, un-forgiveness, resentment, hatred, judgement, shame, fear, etc. our minds and bodies come into greater balance. When I open a sacred space, I call Divine Presence into this dimension to work with me to help others who are in need. As I begin to work with another, I don’t know in my “human mind” exactly what blocked energy may be manifesting as infection, inflammation, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, Crohns or Grave’s Disease. I do know that some set of blocked energy is manifesting as imbalance in the body. I also know that Divine Knowing knows all. Through listening, with the intent to come into balance, we will learn to identify the imbalances and then they can be cast out of our energy fields allowing the body to heal.
Some people come to me for a “quick fix”. Those rarely manifest. We have to steadfastly seek to connect with Divine Energy because the outer world is more visible, more tangible and seemingly more real to many of us. Until we have real experience with Divine Presence, the thought of this Presence is a vague possibility. We can experience Divine Presence though other people, nature, creations, etc. but we have to eventually go inside and have a dialog with Divine Presence and ourselves to find Divine Connection. God/Divine Presence/All That Is is within. Our I AM Presence, the part of us which is wholly connected and balanced, is within. If we seek with the attitude that we will get our body fixed and go right on with our behaviors and thoughts which have brought us to imbalance, we won’t be able to sustain any form of balance, mentally or physically.
Our bodies and more importantly our souls won’t allow us to be out of balance without letting us know in very powerful ways. We get as many chances as we need to release resentment, rage, blame, self-punishment and un-forgiveness but there is no way to fool the body into balance. We come into balance when we are done with giving our power and attention to negative energy which is manifesting as imbalance.

To Begin Inner Spiritual Healing Work:
1. Relax into Silence with the spoken intent to connect more deeply with Divine Presence. I intend to connect with Divine Presence. I open a Sacred Space for healing and wholeness. Wait there a while and be.
2. Identify a negative draining thought, feeling or emotion which is in your immediate energy field such as rage, for example. Or name the diagnosed imbalance you want to clear blocked energy for, such as breast cancer.
3. State aloud with conviction, With the Energy of the Most High, I command out the blocked core source of the rage I am feeling, (of the breast cancer, I am manifesting) through all time and space, with the intent to come into greater Balance and Peace. I affirm my desire to connect more deeply with Divine Presence in my life.
4. I offer my deepest thanks for this support and for the power of this healing within me.
It may seem easier to get medical drugs, therapies and pills to take care of a situation. However, the same imbalances that brought the last sinus infection, the last back ache, the last heart attack, the last cancer stay with us unless we release the thoughts and feelings that have caused the imbalances in the first place. We get all the chances we need to come into balance. If you want to be done with chronic imbalance, go inside. Work with Divine Presence with the intent of creating more Peace and Balance, Health and Wholeness. All healing modalities can be supported and strengthened with inner spiritual work. Release that which you know is out of balance and all else will follow.
Begin Today. Sit today in Silence and cast out that which is manifesting as imbalance in your life. Repeat these processes frequently until the negative emotions have left your being or until the physical imbalance is re-balanced. Healing comes a little at a time. Keep calling out the imbalances, a little at the time.
I felt, love, guidance, beauty and stillness. Thank you Robbins for helping me to follow my path lighter in my chest and more grounded to Mother Earth With love and compassion RBF
Thank you for your lovely response to my blog post. I am so pleased it was helpful. I appreciate the comments! See you soon.
love how spiritual healing and inner work are synonymous!