Prayer can be more than tepid thoughts, fear filled words or memorized prose. The purpose of prayer is to actualize the Divine Presence in all aspects of our lives. We may strongly feel the need for “help”, “healing” , “relief” for another or for ourselves but our strong sense of need does not charge a prayer, nor necessarily make it happen. This is because all that is needed already exists in the Universe. All That Is really means All That Is. So, what is praying with power?
When we charge our prayers with determination, envisioned wholeness and balance, we draw on Infinite Power. Powerful prayer brings form to the Universe of Divine Love that is all around us waiting to be actualized in daily life. When we see, sense, or envision, the Presence of Divine Grace for another, or for ourselves we are praying in power. When the envision wholeness we give form to prayer so that the energy of Divine Love which is all present, all knowing and all powerful can be “harnessed”, “directed” and “focused ” for another.
We are working in the midst of Love Energy all the time. That Love Energy can be activated or not, focused or not, directed or not. If we plead, beg or seek to inform our Higher Power we are essentially giving credence to a “God” separate from us and manifesting a world view of “in-completion, loss and need”. Even if we don’t fully get that we are One with All That Is and that we are made of the same substance as the Divine Energy itself, we can pray in the power of this energy and have our prayers be filled with direction, power and focus.
Prayer 1
Dear God, I hope you will hear me. I really, really, want you to help Nancy because she is in so much pain. She desperately needs your loving touch, care and attention. She is suffering terribly and needs healing. Help me with my deep sadness. I don’t want her to suffer and die. Please heal her and don’t let her die. She is a great mother and doesn’t deserve any of this. Her children really need her. I hope she does not die. Thank you so much for your help.
Prayer 2
Spirit of the Living God, I open a sacred healing space for Nancy. Nancy, beloved child of God, be healed. Receive the healing energy of the Great I AM in all areas of your being, thought, emotion, spirit and body. I call the Divine Healing Energy which is all knowing, all p0werful and everywhere present. Come Divine Healing Energy of All That Is. Fully actualize in Nancy’s being. I cast out all blocked energy in Nancy’s field which is now manifesting as pain and imbalance. I call in the Presence of emotional (mental, spiritual) and physical peace. I see Nancy as whole and balanced in all ways. My thanks for the Love of the Divine Wholeness/God/Universal Oneness. And so it is.
The first prayer has a pleading tone and sees Nancy as lacking something, suffering and in need of something to happen to make things “right”. The prayer is informing God of Nancy’s pain, her mothering skills and her need for healing, as if God does not know this intimately. The person praying gives form to his/her own fears and sadness, rather than to the vision of balance and wholeness for Nancy. This prayer sets God apart from the person praying. This person praying thinks that Nancy is being punished because she doesn’t “deserve” this treatment. On every front, this prayer is leaking power and energy.
The second prayer affirms the limitless power of All That Is in all directions. It is full of commands, be healed, receive, come and fully actualize. The commands affirm the energy of WE ARE ALL ONE, even God and I. This prayer is calling the formless energy of God/Eternal Oneness into actualized form in Nancy’s energy field. This person sees Nancy as “whole and balanced in all ways”. The pray-er is giving form to the Divine Energy at the human level by envisioning the wholeness which is already there. There is also recognition of the need to call out blocked energy Nancy is carrying which keeps keeping her from manifesting wholeness at the physical level.
The way the first prayer is conceived drains it of its power before it is even spoken. When we continue to see ourselves as unworthy, small, insignificant and separated before God, we are essentially turning away from our own true power, denying what has been give to us, that which is our birthright. Our relationship with God is nothing like our relationship with humans, though many of us continue to view it with just the same limitations we might have with our sister or a friend. There is no power in the first prayer because the person praying has not claimed that power which is there but for the asking. It is not charged with the Knowing Of All That Is. It is riddled with pleading, fear and the energy of being separate from God. The words are said in love and desire to help but the source of the prayer comes from a sense of lack.
To pray with power, we have to claim the power that is waiting for us. We have to try out a new vision of partnership with All That Is. We have to use all the goodness we have to see the Blessings of Wholeness and Balance for another. Understanding that we are giving form to the unformed energy of Divine Infinity, we need to claim the Highest Good for ourselves and others when we pray.
Use these steps to infuse your prayers with power.
1. Address the power you are recognizing
2. Open a sacred healing space
3. Command the state of wholeness for self or others
4. Call the Divine Energy to the person or situation
5. Cast out all blocked energy manifesting imbalances
6. Give thanks for the Love of Divine Presence
7. Command that all that has been said is so.
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