The love of God/Divine Source/The Great Oneness is beyond all human imagination. Yet, you can regularly touch to that energy through Silence. There is always an open door to this Divine energy and love. There is always a way forward to this Divine Source of support and healing grace. There is an endless supply of Divine Love and Divine Communication for every person in body.

Why can’t you fully access it? There are blocked energies in the way from your mind, soul, and possibly your body that interfere with your ability to receive this energy as fully as you desire. You have to consistently return to Silence to determine what you must release to enable your energy to commune with The Divine. Meditation is the doorway to the conscious opening to the Love of God. God energy is vibrational energy. If you are angry, judgmental, self-denigrating, self-absorbed, fearful, prideful, depressed, worried, grieving or feeling shame, it will take clearing these energies for yourself so you can consciously feel the Love of All That Is. You create all the negative noise on the line between yourself and Divine Love. However, you have everything you need to clear these energies and feel the vibrational presence of Divine Source/The Great Oneness/God.
Make the choice for Love. Make the choice for looking inside. What are you afraid you will find that keeps you from trying? For many people, there is fear of finding a person who is not worthy of Divine Love. This is most often not on the conscious level but resides in our unconscious energy. Everyone is affected by perceived imperfections and many choose to cover up those perceived imperfections. However, working on more peace and acceptance of self and others is precisely why you are in body in the first place. You have more healing work to do until you manifest Love, Peace, and Kindness in all situations. This process begins with seeking. Seek the Divine Love that is always there for you to discover.
The perceived imperfections you think you have are actually present to help you seek within. If you get angry enough that you feel worn down and nothing outside of yourself works, you may eventually find your way within to address the anger you feel. This is true of any set of strong emotions that are not helping you. Take shame, fear of failure, grief, apathy, loneliness, unworthiness, unforgiveness, guilt, rage, blame or self-hate, and begin your clearing of these energies from your energy field. In fact, this is exactly the way to begin going inside and doing your work. Take any strong emotion that is not helping you and sit with it in Sacred Space. Seek support and transformation of that emotion. Write about it, listen, take it into Sacred Space and command it out of your energy field. There is some reason you are carrying unhelpful emotions. Resolve to work on those emotions that are not serving you.
If you take one step towards clearing unhelpful emotions, the rest will be given to you until you arrive where you want to be. Keep returning to your own inner work and clearing unhelpful emotions. You may well find with healing of stuck emotional, physical imbalances clear up as well. Your body will manifest all sorts of imbalances to try to get you to pay attention to the underlying feelings that produce enough dissonance for the body to be out of balance.
Just start this inner journey or return to one you may have already started. You will never regret this choice!
I have begun clearing and So Much Support is there! My heart sings with gratitude! Thank you!!!
Dear Tierney,
Thank you so much for sharing your enthusiasm with me! I am so pleased you are feeling success with the clearing work you have been doing. Blessings on all you are working with, Robbins