Oh wondrous being, you are loved beyond anything you can imagine
It is hard to believe this when you have not experienced bountiful Love
Especially if you hurt, are grieving, feel mistreated and abandoned, or insufficient
Nonetheless, this Love is always accessible just outside your busy human self

Love is ever with you no matter what is happening to you or your loved ones
This Love created all that is beautiful, kind, imaginative, and lasting
This Love created you both in human form and in eternal formlessness
This Love continues to beckon you to go within and know unconditional Love
You may have to try repeatedly to enter that Silence within to receive
You have huge amounts of fear and dissonance that have not been attended to
You have an entire value system that daily values doing over being
You are perhaps fearful of what will be revealed and that it will be bad
However, this planet and all therein were created in profound Love
Even when you stray from this Love for eons, you still get the chance to heal
You are never abandoned even as you may be engaged in paying chronic debts
Even when you have rebelled against Love and Kindness for lifetimes
You are always being pointed in the best direction for you
You are always being given cues about what would serve you well
Even when you have taken the guidance and the experience was gut wrenching
You are always guided to where you need to grow and expand next
I know this from numbers of lifetime experiences all over the globe
I know this from thousands of hours in Silence clearing my own imbalances
I know this because I have lived in the depths of despair and risen
I know this because every time I have needed help, it has been given

The paths you need come when you decide to be kindness and seek peace
The people you need arrive when you clear all the fear and darkness you carry
The experiences you seek manifest when your inner dissonance disappears
The love you desire arrives when you know what you truly love about yourself
Being in the center of profound Love always calls you to your best self
Still you have to choose this repeatedly through your thoughts, words, and actions
You have to find the courage to face your good and not so good self
Activate your courage to trust that at your essence you are truly the Love you seek
thank you for this beautiful reminder that love is always and forever there.
i am working on clearing the imbalances so i can more deeply connect with that ever present one called love, that knows me so well. Now is my turn to get to know it deeper that ever before. this journey is not such an easy one though when i have glimpses, i mean real glimpse, it’s a place i do not want to leave. And it’s always a great reminder that love doesn’t leave me.
Thank you for your message this morning , a wonderful way to recommit to what is right here.
many blessings to you .
(susi roos’s friend. i met you in Glenview over a year ago,. when you did a wonderful healing process)
Dear Savita, Thank you so much for your comments on this post! Wonderful to hear that these words connected! May everything you need to work on manifest with all the support you need to move to greater peace. So lovely to reconnect again from our time in Glenview. Abundant blessings, Robbins
Thank you Robbins very beautiful and inspiring!
Greetings and thank you so much for the comments on the latest post. I am delighted it was inspiring. I so appreciate hearing from you. It is very helpful to know people’s responses!! Namaste and blessings, Robbins