I have called in healing for my sore toe and it does not seem to be healing (three weeks later). I have already done antibiotics and other things that have not worked. Any suggestions?
It works best to try again to determine where the blocked energy could be regarding the sore toe. The important thing to remember is that your call for healing has ALWAYS been heard but there may be other blocked energies that you have not addressed keeping you from receiving the healing you want regarding your toe. This occurs because you have Free Will that no Divine Being can override ever without your permission to specifically address certain issues.
For example, your sore toe may not be healing due to your inability to receive spiritual healing. This could be the case, especially if the blocked energy is in the unconscious or supra-conscious level. You would not even be aware of such blocked energy but your toe could still be affected by that unhealed energy. If you carry doubt that you can receive spiritual healing, “spiritual healing doubt trauma energy” needs to come into balance before you can receive the healing you have called in. Use the language in quotes above when calling for that to clear from your field. You could have no conscious idea this is in your field if it resides in the unconscious or supra-conscious level.
Another situation might be that the toe is sore due to an imbalance in your leg, foot or ankle on the same side. The sore toe can be a message to you that something larger is out of balance. In this situation, you could try to determine if you have an imbalance higher up in the foot or leg that is showing up in your toe. You might call for healing for your (left) foot, toe, leg bones and knee imbalances trauma energy showing up as your left sore toe.
Another approach is to think of other core issues that could cause the soreness in your toe. You could clear for any virus or infection trauma energy that is present or affecting the sore toe.
When healing does not occur, it is most frequently because we have not fully identified the core issue affecting our toe. Sometimes I try the following in Sacred Space. “I am calling in the needed information for the core issues affecting my (sore toe) so that it can heal.” I will often then get clues or hints of what is basically out of balance and then proceed with healing for whatever is given. However, this may not come exactly when I am asking for this type of help. It may come a few days later. Information given could be that the toe is fractured, that the shoes you are wearing are re-hurting the toe daily, that a nerve has been affected or that your toe is out of alignment and that is what needs to be addressed.
Stay with the process using Sacred Space and you will be guided to what you need to address in order for the sore toe to fully heal. I caution you against assuming that you are not being heard or not worthy of healing. This is rarely the case. When something does not heal it means that there is still more blocked energy we have not addressed that needs addressing before the specific body part can heal.
(For more information, see Chapter 12: Deconstructing Imbalances in The Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol)
Beautiful. I remember once I told you my foot hurt and you suggested I might be afraid to take the next step. It was so metaphorically true for me. Thanks for the beautiful writing.