Is detox normal after spiritual healing work is done?
Yes, detox is a normal response by the body after spiritual healing work is done. Detox is short for detoxification. Detox can occur after spiritual healing, massage, healing touch, visceral manipulation, acupuncture or any other type of healing you have received. Detox happens when the vibrations in the body rise thereby sloughing off toxins which have been held at a lower vibration before the healing was received. Detox with spiritual healing is very common especially when the healing originates in the conscious body. It is less common when the healing originates in the unconscious or supra-conscious (soul) body.
My experience of detox is that anything unusual happening in the body after healing has been received is likely to be detox. The most common types of detox for spiritual healing include tiredness, sluggishness, and bowel changes. The tiredness for some people can manifest from feeling unusually spent or sluggish after a workout to not being able to get out of bed and all levels in between. Rashes, headaches, acute pain, shaking, dry mouth, and dizziness can all be forms of detox depending on the healing that has been received. Detox from tissue cancer healing sometimes takes the form of vomiting among other forms of detox.
Usually the worst detox is immediately after the healing which can begin showing up the same day as the healing or in the next 1-2 days. The intensity of detox normally diminishes until you finally feel normal again. Detox is usually present for 2-4 days but can run as long as 2 weeks for some individuals.
Detox most frequently appears with the same symptoms one is seeking to heal. Therefore if you have received healing for allergies, the detox can take the form of temporarily increased allergy symptoms of runny nose and itchy eyes during the detox period. One may even think nothing worked with the healing because you find yourself feeling worse than before the treatment. However, the increased symptoms are really detoxification of the body happening as the body comes into balance.
To get through the detox period I often have people affirm out loud the following, “I am healing, I am healing, this too shall pass”. This helps focus the mind to the healing process rather than on fears that nothing good has happened.
If you are concerned about the timing and severity of the detox, you or the spiritual healer can call for mitigated detox symptoms or for the detox symptoms to be postponed until a particular day when you know you can have time to rest. If you see a healer who is not versed in these options, open Sacred Space and call for mitigation of detox symptoms for yourself during or immediately after the session. This will help with the severity of symptoms. See Chapter 7, p. 93 for more information.
Beautiful and so well described. I had experienced this and would never had known what it was if not for you helping me to see it. Thank you Robbins!! EIleen
Thank you, this was very helpful.