How do we go on when we feel crippling grief? We sob and scream, cry and cry. We hide under our bed covers and hope when we awake from sleep, it will all have left. Life moves in grey colored tones. Every action feels like a huge effort. We walk through daily life without joy, peace or hope and that adds to the grief depression already with us. Who understands us? Who will help us? Where do we turn? Will we ever smile again? Will the deep sense of loss ever go away?
HELP US, we are lost.

Everything I thought about life has changed. The unspeakable deep sense of loss is so real, so deep. It hurts and keeps hurting. Is there anyone there? How can I go on? I don’t want this present I have now. I want the grief to leave me and the hurt to stop and the fear to disappear, now. I want the longing to stop. Who is running the show anyway? Why did this happen? How can I go on?
HELP ME Please, I am lost.

She is so distraught, she can’t eat. She is unable to sleep, for days she hasn’t slept. She is afraid of being alone now in the world. She is afraid of the world in which this grief is so overwhelming. She is a skeleton of herself. She is too sad to cry anymore, all the crying is gone and the only energy left is heartache.
He is imploding into numbness. His love has died. She was so vibrant and whole, so full of energy and vitality. How can she be gone, really gone? His heart is pining and raw. He can’t work, he can’t find any happiness, he walks and walks as if to get away from the feelings. When he returns, he lies all day on the couch with no energy to focus. The TV passes by in hours and no connection is made. He is lost to himself and to all of us.
HELP THEM, they are so lost.
Bring all your burdens to me. For I AM Perfect Love and I AM Perfect Balance and I AM Eternity, Joy, Forgiveness and Wholeness. I AM the Love, the Light and the Life Everlasting. I AM All That you truly seek. There is no other. AND SO IT IS.
How do we release the grief and sadness of loss, of regret, of un-forgiveness, of shame, of guilt and of depression? We begin in Stillness and Silence. WE MUST ASK Divine Presence to come to us in any way we can think of.

Calling in Healing Energy
Beloved God, I need help. I can’t continue with this grief and unbearable dark feelings of loss. I am so shut down. Come to me and clear this darkness away. I want to be joyful again but I don’t know how. I want to be whole again. I am so disconnected now.
Come to me, Divine Loving Power, I am in great need. I don’t know what to do. Healing Energy of the Universe, I call you to me, now. Move this grief. Show me joy again. Mend my heart, it is so broken. I am so deeply grateful.
Jesus, loving Presence. I need help and healing. I am so sad, lost and afraid I can’t go on. I don’t want to live this life with all this lost and grief. I miss __________ so much. I feel like part of my own being has left me. I feel un-whole and incapable of my own healing. I drag through the days and I am so deeply sad, I can’t speak of this. Come to me. I need help.
Ascended Masters, you know how to do this. You have been here, you know the grief, the darkness and the sadness here. I am being eaten up by these feelings. I can’t find my center, my balance. I can’t find my way. Help me heal. I am so utterly sad and lost. I am afraid. I feel unsafe.
Oh dear God. I am so lonely. My heart aches and aches and I can’t do anything else. Help me to find my way. I feel like I have nothing to live for. I am afraid of things I can’t name. Come Divine Grace, I open my heart to healing. Thank you.
If there is Perfect Love out there or in me, I need it. Come to help me heal. Thank you.
Sadness and grief is our right. We can feel it for as long and as deeply as we need to feel it. We can also let it go when we are ready. This is about how to get the help we need to let grief go. However, there are times when we need to simply feel the grief as humans. We need to shut out the world and be in grief.
Carrying grief however is not expected of us by some mythic “Board of Right Living”. We each have our own timing for how long we remain in a state of sadness and grief and what it looks like for us. And yet, it is really okay to set it all down, to release our heaviness and burdens to the Greater Loving Energy of the Universe. All the darkness can be handled there. It is fully okay to feel joy, delight and passion again after we have lost or after another has died.

Send blessings to those who have left human life, to the ones who have suffered, and send blessings to yourself. Call in the help you need to embrace your path again. It will appear with new colors and new depth for you have loved, grieved and chosen to love again. All that is needed is provided WHEN we ask.
Bless us all as we ask for and receive the help that is waiting for us, after we have grieved what is.
Our Thanks, and So It Is.
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