Fear is an all-encompassing emotion
It has a very long shelf life, left unattended
It gets denser and more at home over time
It profoundly affects your sense of what is
To dig out fear, you have to suspect it may be present
You have to name it as best you can
Including all the symptoms known and unknown
While commanding it out of your own energy field
Banish it from all four fields of consciousness
Every smidgen of fear that is not conscious
Still has a huge and lasting impact on you
Fear resides at the subconscious and soul level
Fear can hang out in your unconscious field
Fear can be consciously with your all the time
That makes a whole whopping lot of fear
You need to be sure all of it leaves your being
This is a lifelong task that only you can undertake
It insures you are not run by unnamed fears
That you can stop lashing out with unbridled anger
That you can disengage from all forms of hatred

Asking for forgiveness only goes so far
If you keep repeating the fear-based responses
Blowing up and regularly going totally ballistic
Others distance and protect themselves from you
Asking for forgiveness for the umpteenth time
Is also too little too late, especially with loved ones
Your responsibility is to seek the source of your fear
Then do your utmost to clear the fear from your field
Get to it because any effort works better than
Living and being run by unnamed fears
All efforts lead towards reaching the core
Source of the fear and anger, to free you forever
Facing fear takes guts and repeated efforts
It requires you to take off your public mask
Get into your heart and name the fear
Even while you may be afraid it will devour you
Sticking your fearful head in the sand
Does not EVER work, though you do get
All the chances you need to keep avoiding
The fears, while amassing all the consequences
You can wait until the consequences are severe
So that you have to make amends with everyone
Or step up now before the abysmal consequences
Of being run by fears create profound suffering
Thank you Robbins 💕. May all the love & wisdom and caring words you share return to you multiplied . . May the seeds of love take hold & grow in us!
Dear JoEllen, I so appreciate your comments and support of this post and of me today! May we all find our fears and command them out. Blessings and Light, Robbins