You who seek peace find the road in fits and starts
Events occur that seem awful but are for your own healing
It can seem there is no how-to language book for Spiritual evolution
However, wholeheartedly seek peace and it comes your way
Set down all expectations of what getting to peace looks like
Lasting peace lies beyond all challenges and inconveniences
Hides behind pain, frustration, anger, self-flagellation, and guilt
Explore within, listen deeply, and seek the root of the imbalance
Humbly accept that 10 times out of 10, the core imbalance is within you
Has been waiting until you can pay attention and get the real message
Waiting until all the needed previous healing has been addressed
Bringing you to the deep dwelling darkness, just waiting for healing
All your anger, frustration, rage, and irritation get you absolutely nowhere
Those feelings make up the endless stream of life’s drama
Those emotions are wearing to the mind, body, and soul
They zap your energy and motivation to be peaceful inside
Negative emotions manifest and challenge your very sense of yourself
They literally weigh you down as they barely vibrate, draining other energy
Causing push back, angst, and discord throughout your life
Manifesting as huge traumas repeating over and over again
They exist because the fierce emotions get your attention immediately
They cause a reaction that you can not ignore
Repeated anger, shame, fear, or guilt are impossible to ignore
They are ringing your doorbell, a call to pay attention now
Before inner seeking, you think the strong emotions are the right answer
Though they are the total opposite from the desired reaction
After thousands of strong reactions and draining feelings
A blessed few go inside to seek peace, answers, and release from being triggered
Wonderful, that is an awesome first step!
The inner landscape with a quiet connection to Spirit
Can help you truly understand the lessons waiting to be learned
The buried darkness manifesting as outer negative emotions
So if you have tumultuous drama in your life of any kind
This is actually a call to Silence, and inner seeking
It is a call to wake up to that which no longer serves you
It is a call to listen deeply to your inner knowing for change to occur
You can ignore these inner callings manifesting as conflict or mishaps
For as many lifetimes as you so desire
They will still be waiting for you, the next time around
Through ever increasing difficulties urging you to act
How many more lifetimes do you want to repeat the same problems ?
How may more conflicts and negative feelings are you going to endure?
Until you take a long, look inside to see what may be not be serving you
And determine what you need to set down and command out of your energy field
New relationships, different work settings, new duds, or new surroundings
Will keep presenting the same tough issues, until you get it
Until you listen within for what is out of balance
Until you name the stuck unseen energy and command it out of your field
Resistance is futile
The same issues repeat over and over again
Throughout all eternity
Until you clear away the detritus and discover peace within
Kendra Fletcher says
I really enjoy your emails and posts. Thank you.
I read all of them and they always seem to have a nugget that is helpful for me that day.
Robbins Hopkins says
Thank you for your comment! I am most pleased there seems to be something helpful for the day from the blog posts. It is helpful to hear this. With appreciation, Robbins
Susan says
Once again, thank YOU for helping me to open my heart & mind to aid in the healing process of the Divine . . .