Having free will cuts both ways. You can settle for exactly where you find yourself or you can choose to have the life you want, regardless of your life circumstances. You have to exercise your free will though to do so. Seek the help you need through Spirit/God/The Oneness for greater peace, health, and prosperity. The building of your desired life begins with you. How and where to start?
Until you have an awareness of what is bothering you, out of balance, or draining you, you won’t be able to make the changes you desire. When you seek connection, you can begin to figure out what is out of balance. You may find yourself battling your ego in the beginning, not wanting to see what you are feeling, why you are feeling that, and what you can do about it. You have to really want to connect with Divine Source to actually have a fighting chance to do so. There is peace there. There is guidance there. There is a way forward there. All this can stay as shrouded or as separate from you as you choose. That is the essence of free will.
The level of support, love, and guidance available by consciously connecting with Divine Source is literally infinite. That connection just gets stronger and stronger as you sit in Silence and seek Peace. You are the one that is out of balance, feeling lousy, lost, frustrated, angry, demotivated, judgmental, or insufficient. Your feelings start with you regardless of how they arrive in your face. The issue sits with you even though another person may be the catalyst. You can choose to stay in a blaming mind set as long as you want to. Further, the issues are not with the job, your body, your friend, your house or your spouse. The issues are within you, always. You have to figure out what is getting triggered in you to rectify the imbalances you feel. Or you can choose to blame all your troubles on everyone and everything else. You will stay exactly where you are until you begin to look at yourself deeply and figure out what you are carrying that is no longer serving you.
A little known truth is that those in your life are always there to be a mirror for you. You come here to heal, grow, and feel more connected to Divine Source. Literally, every step of your life is designed for you to realize what you need to see to grow more peace, more balance, and more connection with All That Is. Few people know this, fewer people act on this knowing. To make progress, you must go inside, again and again to see what needs to be jettisoned from your energy field.
Mostly everyone around you is focused on the externals of life such as making money, having a family, having a prestigious job, having fun, or having their desired material wealth. You can spend your entire lifetime involved in these pursuits and still be off inside. Nothing really insures peace of mind and wellness like getting rid of feelings and situations that are not serving you. You can’t do that if you never pay attention to how you are feeling. You can’t understand how you are feeling if you do not look inside with a seeking mind to clear the draining energies you are carrying.
So, activate your free will and make the time you need to go inside, again and again. If you figure out what you are feeling, then you can clear for the trauma energy those feelings are causing. If you recognize repeating negative patterns, then you can command those out of your field and amazingly, they will leave. Why? Because you are both eternal and human. Your eternal self is trying to help you find your best self in your human life. Use your free will to begin, sustain, and return repeatedly to this journey to wholeness.
You may feel you do not know how to do this. Just begin. Show up to Silence. Seek the Peace you desire. Stewing about your feelings and your situations does absolutely nothing good for you. Entering into Sacred Space to listen, identify and clear stuck energy does everything you need to feel lighter and more grounded. Keep entering into Silence with a seeking mind. Seek the way forward you desire and you will receive the awareness you need about what you have to let go of to find your way. You might even consider taking this free healing yourself tutorial as a possible beginning step for you.
Kim says
Incredible info that I needed today!
You make it seems so doable. Your words are truth. I feels right. Thank you for the encouragement and guidance.
Amit says
Every time I read your words, Robbins, I find another little gem that sticks to me; or I see it in a new light. Thank you for your words of guidance and generosity of spirit.
Robbins Hopkins says
Thank you Amit for your lovely response. I am so pleased there are little gems staying with you. I appreciate your writing and telling me about this post and its impact.! Best to you on your journey.