Thankfulness is a state of being. It grows as you grow in consciousness. As you become closer to God/Divine Source/Great Spirit, thankfulness expands. You come closer to Divine Source by going within and healing feelings, perceptions, assumptions, judgments, and fears that are not aligned with Divine Love. It is doable. Regularly get rid of all these energies you do not want anyway (use Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol). Then consciousness expands and thankfulness becomes the natural outcome of carrying less negative, draining energy.
Clearing unwanted energies is an Eternal process. It never stops whether you are in body or not in body. You never reach the finish line. You are never without some way to expand thankfulness, consciousness, peace, love, forgiveness and balance. This journey is for always, for multi-millions of years, beyond anything you can imagine with your mind. Therefore, I find it helpful to feel the love energy we call thankfulness with all that I am experiencing in the present moment.
Living in thankfulness takes practice and dedication. Being thankful is naturally the easiest, when everything is going well. It is hardest when you are in a seemingly undesirable situation that you fear will never come right. Therefore begin right now frequently cultivating thankfulness for your present moments. This can become a mind, heart, and soul practice with enormous benefits!
Over time even tough situations that disrupt your sense of balance and peace, often end up enabling lasting inner peace. If you cast out the feelings and thoughts you have that drain or upset you, you become free of those energies. When this happens enough, you will be able to see a tough situation as an opportunity for more peace. Then even with challenging feelings and situations, you can give thanks knowing you are entering into an opportunity for greater peace and wholeness.
Being thankful is a type of love. Whatever you focus on grows. If you are constantly looking for the next big moment in your life, focused on what should be, or seeking to escape what is, thankfulness rarely shows up. If you focus on what is and cultivate the awareness of being thankful, that grows. It is actually autocatalytic. Feeling thankful begets more thankful feelings.
Why would you want to do this? Being thankful comes from a loving heart. When you practice thankfulness you are growing your loving heart. The heart needs training like the mind. The heart may have developed in the midst of sorrow, fear, loss, violence, regret, shame, abuse, or danger. If you make conscious decisions to be thankful, you are teaching your heart a different way of being, one that manifests joy, peace, balance, appreciation, and well-being. Focusing on thankfulness grows more positive feelings, which attract more positive energy and people to you. It is like loving your life and yourself into wholeness.
Commit to manifesting a perpetual state of thankfulness. When it is not present, you will begin to notice that something is keeping that natural love energy from flowing. When you are off, down, drained, and unthankful, something inside needs attention. Don’t stuff it and try to ignore it. Also don’t stew about crummy feelings and troubled energy confusing you. It has come up for a reason.
Take time in Silence and seek the core imbalances that are causing your down, unthankful state of being. Take a guess! Write down the feelings causing your imbalance. List all that is causing your hosed up love and thankfulness energy. Then use the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol to effectively clear your energy field. Thankfulness naturally flows in and around you when you are steadily clearing blocked, stuck, troubling energy in your field. May thankfulness return to you 1000 fold!
Jan Kraft says
What a fantastic reminder, and just what I needed to hear this morning. In my spiritual practice, I am trying to cultivate my inner joy, and I suspect the consciousness of thankfulness will do that. Thank you Robbins!