Some of the repeating, undesirable traits and patterns we have are due to genetic imbalances. Working in Sacred Space with Divine Source, you can clear genetic imbalances by calling for unhelpful genes to be turned off and helpful genes to be turned on. I continue to be amazed at the breadth of imbalances that are present due to genetic programming. The first genes I worked with were related to the gene-induced dimensions of physical ailments such as digestion issues, retaining excess fat, and heart imbalances. Increasingly, I am now finding that many non-physical imbalances, especially chronic imbalances, have genetic origins as well.
I have found that chronic forms of shame, criticism, addiction, self-deprecation, anger, anguish, inability to trust or bond, and anxiety can all have genetic roots. In other words, there may be chronic behaviors, reactions, or fears you want to address that can be healed by calling for genetic rebalancing for specific issues.
Any medical or behavioral efforts designed to address gene-induced imbalances such as anger, migraines, mistrust, agoraphobia, addiction, insomnia, or shame, can only have partial success. When there is a genetic component to imbalances, whether physical, social, emotional, psychological, or spiritual, the related genes need to be addressed for full healing to take place. I worked with a client for several years who was steadfastly working on self-blame issues in numerous ways. Until we cleared for the gene-induced self-blame energy, she could not completely heal from the tendency to blame herself for a range of issues and life events.
I have found that you can call for genes to be turned off which are causing your gene-induced imbalance. You can also call for genes to be turned on to help heal from the gene-induced imbalance you are manifesting.
Before you try to call in healing for gene-induced imbalances, I recommend you clear your field if you have doubts about being able to call in effective healing at the genetic level, begin by opening Sacred Space and clearing the doubts out loud as follows:
“I call for Divine Healing Protocol* to clear all doubt trauma energy and all symptoms I am carrying that limits my ability to effectively call in genetic healing with my deepest thanks.”
If you are holding any unforgiveness of self or others, you must call for that healing as well before moving further. Open Sacred Space first and then speak aloud: “I call for Divine Healing Protocol to clear all unforgiveness trauma energy and all symptoms I am carrying for myself or any others with my profound thanks. ” Now you are ready to call in genetic-level healing.
Steps for healing for gene-induced imbalances.
1. Open Sacred Space and name the gene-induced imbalance you have or suspect you have such as gene-induced anger, self-blame, criticism, artery imbalances, guilt, regret, cancer, high cholesterol, painful knees, etc.
2. Determine how many genes need to be turned off that are contributing to your gene-induced imbalance. If you do not have those skills through a pendulum, kinesiology, or other means, call for all genes contributing to your gene-induced imbalance to be turned off.
“I call for 32 genes (all genes) contributing to gene-induced breast cancer to be turned off. “
3. Determine how many genes need to be turned on to help you heal from your gene-induced imbalance. If you do not have those skills through a pendulum, kinesiology, or other means, call for all genes that can support healing from your gene-induced imbalance to be turned on. (The number of genes needing to be turned on is always less than the number of genes being turned off. )
” I call for 18 genes (all genes) to be turned on which can help me heal from gene-induced breast cancer and all symptoms.”
4. “I call forth Divine Healing Protocol for all remaining blocked energies manifesting as gene-induced (fill in the imbalance) trauma energy and all symptoms.”
5. “Thank you Divine Source/God/Allah and all Divine Beings working in partnership with me today on these issues.”
*Divine Healing Protocol incorporates all steps of the Six-Step Healing Protocol in one phrase, Divine Healing Protocol. If you are uncertain or unaccustomed to using the Divine Healing Protocol, refresh your memory by referring to the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol. Use the full language of the Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol for the above healing steps if that is more compatible for you.
Eileen O'Grady says
I had never thought of self blame as a genetic issues- Makes sense as we inherit these family systems and making changes by self will is nearly impossible. Beautiful THANK you Robbins. A whole new way to look at my patterns. Eileen