With Passover and Easter nearly upon us, let’s reflect upon some of the Spiritual messages these celebrations have for all of us. Spiritual truths are true for all beings regardless of what your religious or non-religious affiliation happens to be. Take the truths you find powerful for yourself and cultivate them full-heartedly.

Messages from Passover*
Memory – The stories of the past must be told to remember what the lasting learnings are for us today.
Optimism – Nothing is unattainable when working with God/Divine Presence/All That is.
Faith- “The Passover story conveys that history is not happenstance. It follows a Divine master plan.”
Family- Passover celebrates the freeing of the Jews from their slavery in Egypt. It is celebrated in family homes through the Seder where children are encouraged to learn and ask questions about the Passover in a safe and loving space.
Responsibility to Others – Through oppression in Egypt, the Jews learned about oppression for all people and are called to speak out for justice and the downtrodden, working as partners with God for the good of all beings.

Messages from Easter
Faith – Faith is the practice of holding the belief in inherent goodness, which eventually draws to us that inherent goodness.
Forgiveness- Cultivating forgiveness is as close to Godliness as one can get. Jesus said, “Forgive 70 times 7. I have forgiven you, should you not also forgive all others? ”
Love and Compassion- Unconditional love and compassion for others is the daily work for those who know or aspire to know they are made in the image of God.
Social Activism- Speaking up for the disenfranchised is the blessing you can give because of knowing you are eternally loved by God, personalized through Jesus. Living in integrity with love and respect for all requires social activism.
Giving to Others- Volunteering to help others in need is faith in action and brings faith and hope alive for all beings.
So as we move thorough your spiritual journeys at this time of year, in what ways do you practice your knowing of your loving self? Let that knowing expand, unfurl, and spread to all those with whom you come in contact everyday. Change comes one-by-one with each one choosing love as the answer and renouncing all else.
*Taken from www.Aish.com, 5 Most Important Messages from Passover
Beautifully expressed Robbins!! Thank you and Happy Holiday Season to one and all!! Ruthlee
I am so pleased to hear from you!! Thanks for taking the time to send me your comments. It looks like we will have some warmer weather showing up!! Best to you and all your loved ones, Robbins
Beautiful Robbins! Your piece helped anchor me in the Easter spirit. 💛
Thank you for your response to my post!! So pleased it was helpful in getting anchored in the Easter spirit. These energies are so powerful and really a blessing to us each year! Blessings, Robbins